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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
INDEX. 333 L a k e . E d w a r d J., appointed assistant in art and design Ill Appointed instructor in free-hand d r a w i n g 248 L a n d sale 125,163 L a n d s surveyed 168 L a b o r a t o r y of Natural History, report from director 114,298 Staff 16 L i b r a r y Hall, erection 113 Chime of bells 222 Bid s 236,239 Contract for '''" 242 H e a t i n g contract 243 Book-stack contract : 243 Location 124,228 Plans 161,169,178,179,184,190,198,200,208,212,219,228,233,236 L i b r a r y policy 21,187 McKay, F. M., resolutions concerning McKee. J a m e s H., appointed fellow in College of E n g i n e e r i n g McLane, C. D., appointed a s s i s t a n t professor of architectural construction Machine shops, reorganization of Medical entrance examinations Military Department, report concerning, by L i e u t e n a n t B a k e r Military band, certain m e m b e r s paid Milne, E d w a r d L., appointed a fellow in the College of Science Molony, M. T., Attorney General, communications from Moore, B u r t o n E., appointed instructor in physics Morrison, Ella H., appointed director of physical culture for women Title changed to director of physical t r a i n i n g for women Music D e p a r t m e n t Myers. Geo. W., appointed associate professor of m a t h e m a t i c s Title changed to associate professor of astronomy and m a t h e m a t i c s Patent, machine designed in t h e shops P a t t e r s o n , A. S., appointed a s s i s t a n t in F r e n c h Piatt, H. S, appointed a s s i s t a n t professor of Romance l a n g u a g e s Leave of absence P r e s i d e n t ' s house Quick, Oscar A., appointed instructor in physics 81,110 248 248 96 119,122,183 93 219 248 , -.29,48 187 95,102 248 77,250 Ill 245 195 248 Ill 216 125,163,164 158 Raab, H e n r y , resolutions concerning 59 Rhoades, L. A., appointed a s s i s t a n t professor of G e r m a n language and literature 242 Riehl, E. A., appointed a m e m b e r of the Board of Direction of t h e E x p e r i m e n t S t a t i o n . . . 76 Rules for government of s t u d e n t s , a m e n d m e n t * 104 Sager. F. A., appointed a s s i s t a n t in physics 20 Appointed a s s i s t a n t professor of physics 187 School of Pharmacy 241 See Chicago College of Pharmacy. Senate Committee, r e p o r t on University 90 Services rendered persons not connected with t h e University 120 S h a t t u c k , Professor S. W., appointed Business Agent 30,183 Bond 183 Reports 33,37,52,82,116,172,201,230,255 Shea. Professor D. W., resignation 184 S m i t h , Frank, appointed assistant professor of zoology 244 Smith, Dr. J u l i a Holmes, appointed a m e m b e r of the Board of T r u s t e e s 61 S m i t h , Ralph P., appointed instructor in German 59 Snow, W. A., appointed assistant entomologist of Laboratory of N a t u r a l History 251 Snyder, Professor Ev, resignation 242 Made professor of G e r m a n language and literature, emeritus 242 South farm lease 252 Spalding, C. W., Treasurer, bond 101,102 Reports 26,45,81,112,170,210,226,260 Steam heating department 123 Steele, W. L., appointed to a scholarship in music 96,107 S t u d e n t s , political action and voting 237 S t u d e n t s , s u m m a r i e s of 17,18,55 S u m m e r School 49,164 S u m m e r s , H. E., appointed associate professor of h u m a n physiology and vertebrate anatomy Ill S u p e r i n t e n d e n t of Buildings and Grounds 90,107,113,123,168 Swenson, B e r n a r d V., appointed assistant professor of electrical engineering Ill Thompson, Marion, appointed fellow in College of L i t e r a t u r e and A r t s T o m p k i n s , Arnold, appointed professor of pedagogy Tooke, Chas. W., appointed assistant professor of political science Title changed to assistant professor of public law and administration Townsend, E. J, appointed associate professor of m a t h e m a t i c s Treasurer, authorized to receive moneys, etc See Chas. W. Spalding. 106 95,102 ..95,102 234 Ill 115
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