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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
36 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. M E E T I N G OF N O V E M B E R 15, 1S94. A special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the University Parlor, in Urbana, at 9 o'clock, Thursday, November 15, 1894. The following call was issued by the secretary: "By order of the President, Mr. N. W. Graham, there will be a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois at 9 o'clock a. m., Thursday, November 15, 1894, in the University Parlor, Urbana, to consider such business as may be duly presented." There being no quorum present, the Board adjourned to meet at 8 a. m. Friday. I n the afternoon Andrew Sloan Draper, LL. D., was inaugurated as President of the University of Illinois. And in the evening of the same day Engineering Hall was dedicated. The following was the program: PROGRAM OF INAUGURATION. Music—"Abide With Me," (Donnizetti)—University Orchestra. Prayer—Rev. C. N. Wilder, 77 D. D. Music—"Profumi Orientali, (Bellenghi)—University Mandolin and Guitar Club. Addresses (Five Minutes) — For the Students—Peter Junkersfeld, President Senior Glass. For the Alumni—Hon. Charles G. Neely, Class of 1880, President Alumni Association. For the Faculty—Professor Samuel W. Shattuek. Presentation of Governor Altgeld as presiding1 officer, by Hon. Nelson W. Graham, President Board of Trustees. Music—"Liberty Bell,77 (Sousa) —University Military Band. Delivery of Certificate of Election, Charter, Keys, etc., to the President— Thomas J. Burrill, Dean of General Faculty. Inaugural Address—President Andrew Sloan Draper, LL. D. Music—"University Song77—University Glee Club. (Words by Carnakan, 7 92. Music by Steele, 796.) "Crusader,' 7 (Sousa)—University Military Band. PROGRAM OF DEDICATION. Overture—"World's Peace Jubilee, 77 (Beyer)—University Military Band. Introductory Remarks—President Draper. Music—"On Deck Polka77 (Krai)—University Mandolin Club. Address—President Charles Kendall Adams, LL. D., University of Wisconsin. Music—"Down by the Riverside77—University Glee Club. Address—General William Sooy Smith, of Chicago.
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