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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
248 U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S . P r e s i d e n t D r a p e r p r e s e n t e d a r e q u e s t from M r . L . A. M c L e a n , of U r b a n a , a s k i n g t h a t p e r m i s s i o n be given for t h e M a s o n i c order to m a r c h on foot t h r o u g h t h e U n i v e r s i t y g r o u n d s to t h e c e m e t e r y on t h e afternoon of J u n e 10th. T h e r e q u e s t was g r a n t e d . P e r m i s s i o n was also given t h e K n i g h t s of P y t h i a s to use M i l i t a r y H a l l for t h e i r exercises on S u n d a y , J u n e 14th. T h e r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s of P r e s i d e n t D r a p e r , c o n t a i n e d in t h e following paper, were a d o p t e d : SALARIES' AND APPOINTMENTS. To the Board of Trustees. I make the following recommendations touching" the instructional force: 1. That James McLaren White be promoted from the position of assistant professor of architecture to that of associate professor of architecture, without change in salary. 2. That the salary of Harry S. Grindley, assistant professor of chemistry, be $1,200. That the salary of James D. Phillips, instructor in general engineering drawing, be $900. 4. That the salary of George A. Goodenough, instructor in mechanical engineering, be $800. 5. That Arthur S. Patterson be appointed assistant in French for ten months, from the first of September next, at $50 per month. This appointment, and the one following, are to make provision for the work of Professor Piatt during his absence next year. 6. That D. Hobart Carnahan be appointed assistant in French for ten months, from September first next, at a salary of $40 per month. 7. That Ernest C. Klipstein be appointed instructor in architecture for ten months, from September first next, at a salary of $80 per month. 8. That authority be given the President to appoint an instructor in chemistry, at a salary of $70 per month, from September first next, to take the place of Sir. Alfred H. White, who is to be absent in Europe during the next year. And, also, if exigencies require it, that another instructor in chemistry may be appointed for a part or the whole of next year, at a compensation not to exceed $60 per month. 9. That authority be given the President to appoint an instructor in mathematics, at the opening of the fall term, to take the place of Mr. Alton C. Burnham, who is to be absent in Europe during next year, at a salary not to exceed $70 per month for ten months, from the first of September next. 10. That Cyrus D. McLane be promoted to the position of assistant professor of architectural construction, without change of salary. 11. That the title of Edward J. Lake be instructor in free hand drawing, instead of assistant in art and design, without change of salary. 12. That the title of Miss Ella H. Morrison be Director of Physical Training for women instead of Director of Physical Culture for Women. 13. That the deans of the colleges be re-elected, as follows: Thomas J. Burrill, Dean of the General Faculty and of the Graduate School; N. Clifford Ricker, Dean of the College of Engineering; Stephen A. Forbes, Dean of the College of Science; David Kinley, Dean of the College of Literature and Arts: Eugene Davenport, Dean of the College of Agriculture. Very truly yours, A. S. DRAPER, President.
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