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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

P E O C E E D I N G S O F BOAED O F T E U S T E E S . P A P E R B—STATE APPROPRIATIONS. Received. Expended. Balance. 231 D e c e m b e r 10,1895. Assigned. For the years 1893-1895, $282,679 1,000 6,000 472 405 1,200 4,000 150 150 300 14 $282,679 14 1,000 00 00 6,000 00 00 46$ 66 00 405 65 00 00 1,200 00 00 4,000 00 127 16 00 111 68 00 00 246 02 Furnishing and heating Nat. Hist. Hall $2 34 44 35 22 84 38 32 53 98 $161 83 $2 34 44 35 22 84 38 32 53 98 $161 83 Greek Woman's gymnasium '. . $296,401 14 $296,239 31 For Apparatus and Psychology Zoology Chemistry the years 1895-1897. $300 500 500 500 400 500 300 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $103 169 499 500 400 266 262 57 79 70 00 00 87 25 materials— $196 43 330 21 30 233 13 37 75 $797 82 $177 80 $1,666 73 $831 95 $4,974 00 $2,820 43 $186 71 $196 43 330 21 30 233 13 37-75 $797 82 $177 80 $1,666 73 $831 95 $4,974 00 $2,820 43 $186 71 Geology Physiology Botany and horticulture $3,000 00 Operating Bialogical Biological Experiment Experiment Station Station Equipment... $1,500 00 $2,500 00 $9,300 00 Astronomical Illinois State Observacory Laboratory of Natural History $5,000 00 $9,900 00 $2,000 00 Salaries, etc.— Salaries for instruction Library catalogue * Buildings and grounds Library building designs Toilet rooms.. ,.... President's House Art and design ............... Physical culture S c h o o l of M u s i c Lectures Agriculture Farm house .....•;.-... Fuel and lights P r e p a r a t o r y School Advertising and catalogue... University magazine Illini Oratorical contest G a s fixtures Accredited schools....... -..< Illio U . S . flag Applied chemistry Entomological room C o l l e g e of L i t e r a t u r e a n d A r t s , b o o k s Unassigned $33,205 C,391 500 400 1,735 1.100 375 400 8,000 250 820 1,050 1,000 3,000 175 2,000 90 1,900 800 500 100 100 245 100 100 65 150 200 200 25,047 66 97 00 00 07 00 00 CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 30 $2,202 18 $1,322 20 $833 27 $8,468 05 $26 00 $7,079 57 $1,813 29 $33,205 6,391 455 255 1,735 1,100 157 281 8,000 185 817 962 757 2,796 153 2,000 59 288 66 97 45 36 07 00 00 81 00 33 27 09 91 09 13 00 34 06 $44 55 144 64 218 00 118 19 64 2 87 242 203 21 30 1,611 800 250 100 11 92 67 73 91 09 91 87 66 94 00 00 00 77 94 $44 55 144 64 218 00 118 19 64 2 87 242 203 21 30 1,611 800 250 100 11 92 67 73 91 09 91 87 66 94 00 00 00 77 94 250 00 88 152 100 100 65 120 163 23 06 00 00 00 33 15 29 36 200 25,047 67 85 00, 30i 29 67 36 85 200 00 $4,312 39 $90,000 00 $60,640 31 $29,359 69 1
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