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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. COPY. 221 Memorandum of an agreement entered into this eighth day of February, 1896, by and between the University of Illinois, through its Committee on Buildings and Grounds, of the first part, and N. Clifford Ricker and James M. White of the second part. The party of the first part accepts and approves the Romanesque design (No. 4) for a library building to be erected for the University. The parties of the second part agree to work out sufficiently the details of said design for examination by the Board at a meeting to be held on March 10, 1896, and fully to complete same for bidders not later than April 15, 1896, and as much earlier as possible. It is agreed by the party of the first part to pay to the party of the second part the usual commission of five per cent, on tne total cost of said library building. It is agreed by the parties of the second part that the present efficiency of the architectural department shall be maintained and that all additional instructors required to secure this end shall be employed and that any additional instructors so required shall be paid by the parties of the second part out of their commissions. The amount of this assistance, the particular persons employed, and the salaries paid shall be entirely subject to the acceptance and approval of the President of the University. It is agreed by the parties of the first part that funds shall be advanced on account of the commission of the parties of the second part as may be required to pay salaries, and for material and other necessary expenses. These payments shall be made on the certificates of the parties of the second part, after having the approval of the President of the University. One-half of the commissions to the parties of the second part shall become due and payable at the time contracts are signed for the erection of the building and shall be then aid to the parties of the second part after deducting such advances as may ave been made. The remainder of said commission shall be paid in installments as the work progresses. It is agreed by the parties of the second part to devote as much time as necessary and give personal supervision to the construction of the building, and it is also agreed that one of the said parties of the second part shall be present at the University at all times. It is agreed that suitable rooms shall be provided by the party of the first part, as may be approved by the President, for carrying on the work herein referred to, and it is also agreed that the architectural work herein referred to shall be advanced with all possible speed. E UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, by RICHARD P. MORGAN, Chairman Committee on Buildings and Grounds, Parties of the first part. N. CLIFFORD RICKER, JAMES M. W H I T E , Parties of the second part. The foregoing agreement, so far as the instruction work is concerned, meets with my approval. A. S. DRAPER, President of the University of Illinois. Respectfully submitted, RICHARD P. MORGAN, ISAAC S. RAYMOND, N. B. MORRISON, ALEX. MCLEAN, Committee on Buildings and Grounds. Mr. B u l l a r d moved t h a t t h e report of t h e c o m m i t t e e be adopted. W h i l e t h i s motion was p e n d i n g , t h e B o a r d adjourned to meet at 8:30 o'clock W e d n e s d a y m o r n i n g .
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