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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

218 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. The Board of Direction, in order to carry on experiments in southern* Illinois, which it has undertaken by your authority, desires you to lease for itsuse two tracts of land; one of Mr. H. N. Woodward, of Odin, 111., containing about fifteen acres, for one year, with the privilege of renewal each subsequent year for nine years, at a rental of $25.00 a year; the other of Mr. Samuel Bartley, of Edgewood, 111., containing three to Ave acres, for one year, with the privilege of renewal year by year for nine years thereafter, at an annual rental of $2.50 an acre. The Board of Direction also asks you to authorize undertaking the following experiments: 1. Experiments with Kaffir corn. 2. Investigations of pear blight. The Board of Direction has appointed the members of its staff as follows: Thomas J. Burrill, Horticulturist and Botanist, salary $300.00. Eugene Davenport, Agriculturist, salary $1,050.00. Stephen A. Forbes, Consulting Entomologist, without salary. Donald Mcintosh, Veterinarian, without salary. Cyril Gr. Hopkins, Chemist, salary $1,500.00. George P . Clinton, Assistant Botanist, salary $1,000.00. William A. Powers, Assistant Chemist, salary $720.00. Wilbur J . Fraser, Assistant Agriculturist, salary $800.00. These appointments are all for the year beginning April 1, 1896. George W. McCluer for six months, beginning April 1, 1896, salary $110.00* a month. The Board of Direction asks your concurrence in the appointment of W. L. Pillsbury as Secretary of the Station at a salary of $800.00 a year. The Station also reports that it has purchased a Jersey cow and calf of excellent pedigree, which will .prove, it is confident, a valuable addition to the^ registered stock already owned by the University. Respectfully submitted, T. J . BURRILL, President Board of Direction. Appropriations of Experiment Station funds were made as asked for in this report, and the Board of Direction was authorized to undertake the new experiments proposed. The appointment of members of the Station staff as reported wasapproved, and the Board concurred in the election of W. L. Pillsbury as Secretary. The President and Secretary of the Board of Trustees were authorized to sign leases for land in southern Illinois as proposed when presented by the Board of Direction of the Experiment Station. Messrs. E. E. Chester, of Champaign; H, B. Gurler, of DeKalb, and E. A. Biehl, of Alton, were appointed upon the Board of Direction of the Agricultural Experiment Station, as representatives of the State Board of Agriculture, State Dairymen's Association and the State Horticultural Society respectively. Messrs. Morrison and Raymond, President Draper and Professors Burrill, Forbes, and Davenport were also appointed members of the Board of Direction of the Agriculiural Experiment Station. Dr^ Burrill was made President and President Draper and Mr. Raymond were appointed members of the Executive Committee.
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