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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

PEOCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 215 Schedule of Charges for Chemical Analysis—Concluded. $1 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 5 00 10 00 to 25 00 5 00 3 00 Analysis of foods, coffee, tea, sugar, bread, butter, etc.— Determination of moisture in bread Determination of mineral ingredients in bread—(alum, copper, baryta) Determination of fat in b u t t e r Determination of water in b u t t e r Determination of salt in b u t t e r Determination of s u g a r Detection of artificial coloring m a t t e r in coffee, tea, etc Determination of ash in coffee or tea Determination of caffeine and theine Fertilizers—quantitative examination Analysis of coal and coke—determination of moisture, volatile combustible matter, fixed carbon, ash, s u l p h u r Analysis of iron and m a n g a n e s e ores, minerals, slags, ashes, clays, building) stone, etc.—per cent, of iron, phosphorus, sulphur, silica, aluminium manganese, each P e r cent, of iron together with phosphorus, sulphur, silica, aluminium or] manganese Complete analysis excepting alkalies Complete analysis with alkalies Gold and silver ores—assays for gold and silver in ores O t h e r ores, minerals, metals, alloys, etc.—Per cent, of any of t h e following) metals, antimony, arsenic, bismuth, tin, cobalt, molybdenum, nickel, zinc, cadmium, copper, silver, chromium, lead, mercury, platinum, each 5 00 20 00 25 00 3 00» 3 00 Charges for analysis of other articles, such as oils, varnishes, paints, pigments, baking powder; air, soap, drugs, chemicals, medicine, etc., and for the toxicological examination of human organs, etc., would have to be arranged to conform to the amount of time and work involved. They might vary, according to the case, from $5 to $50. In cases where the amount of the charge is not definitely fixed it shall be determined by the Professor of Chemistry with the approval of the President. A request from the business manager of the Illini for permission to sell the old printing outfit for the benefit of the Illini Association was granted. A request from Professor Forbes for an appropriation of $1,000 to be used in publishing the report of the Biological Experiment Station was referred to the Executive Committee with instructions to investigate and report at the next meeting of the Board. A communication from the Advisory Board of Athletic Managers of the University was referred to the Finance Committee, and upon the recommendation of the committee the matter was laid over to the June meeting. The construction and maintenance of tennis courts at an expense not to exceed $250 was authorized, the work to be in charge of a special committee consisting of the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, Dr. Smith and Mrs. Flower. A request from the Glee Club for an appropriation with which to meet the deficiency in their accounts was referred to the Finance Committee. Later in the session the committee reported recommending an appropriation of $75.00 for the Glee Club, and the recommendation was adopted. A request by Professor Talbot for $150.00 for use in the Laboratory of Applied Mechanics was referred to the Finance Committee, and upon recommendation of the Committee the appropriation was made.
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