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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

192 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. g influence and authority to promote its welfare. For these reasons, briefly stated, I feel safe in saying that the Board of Trustees would be pleased to have you consult with him as soon as you may have made preliminary examination of the grounds of the University and made one or more sketches of the building. If, when you are ready to see the Governor, as suggested, you will kindly ive me two or three days' notice, I will call a meeting of this Committee at hicago or Springfield, as you may elect, to meet with the Governor and yourself. In making acknowledgement of this letter please state when you expect to be at the University, as I desire, if I can do so, to meet with you there. Yours very truly, RICHARD P . MORGAN, Chairman Buildings and Grounds Committee, University of Illinois. On the 4th of October the Committee received the following telegram from Mr. Burnham: "Governor Altgeld sent for me yesterday. He urges quick action. Can you send to-day general instructions to enable me to commence preliminary study. Have wired President Draper also." In reply to this telegram the Committee responded as indicated in the following letter: OCTOBER 4, 1895. D. H. Burnham & Co., The BooJcery Building, Chicago, III., GENTLEMEN: Just as I finished a letter to you to-day I received your telegram, and immediately telegraphed to you as follows: 4 'For reply to your telegram, please see letters by first mail." You asked in your telegram for "general instructions to enable you to commence preliminary study." I enclose herewith a copy of the invitation which was sent out to the architects who were invited to present designs for the library building in competition, which will give you a general idea of the character of the building contemplated. This, with what I have stated in my first letter to-day, embraces, together wTith the map of the University grounds giving the contour lines, which I have directed to be sent to you, all of the data I feel prepared to present at this time for your consideration, and I trust they will be sufficient for your purposes until you have made examination of the site adopted by the Board for the building, and also the site to which preference was given by some members of the Board, as it is possible you may prefer a different location to that selected, and should you do so, I believe the Board of Trustees would concur with you, and especially so, as any location you might select would have reference of course to the plan for landscaping the University grounds, which you have kindly proffered to make. It seems essential that a conference in person should be had as soon as possible between Dr. Draper, yourself, and the sub-committee of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, and it seems to me that the best place for the conference would be at the University. Should this suggestion meet with your approval, I will arrange for any date agreeable to you. Yours very truly, RICHARD P . MORGAN, Chairman Buildings and Grounds Committee, University Of Illinois. On the 12th of October the Buildings and Grounds Committee met with Mr. Burnham and President Draper at the University and took into consideration the preliminary sketches which Mr. Burnham had to present, after which for some days the Committee waited the further action of Mr. Burnham in the preparation of a design.
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