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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

158 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. a further statement with regard to the electric power and lighting furnished by the Electric Lighting and Power Company. The Board then took a recess until 4 o'clock p. m. in order to inspect the plans, which had been presented for the library building. Afterwards the Board adjourned to meet at 8:30 o'clock a. m. SESSION OF THURSDAY. When the Board was called to order, pursuant to adjournment, there were present Messrs. Bullard, Graham, McLean, Morgan, Morrison, Raymond, and Dr. Smith. As the Secretary, Mr. Pillsbury, was compelled to be away in charge of the examination of new students, Mr. Bullard was appointed Secretary pro tern, by President Graham. The following resolution was adopted on motion of Mr. Bullard: Be solved, That George A. Goodenough be appointed instructor in mechanical engineering-, at a salary of $75 a month; that Joseph R. Wilson be appointed foreman in the foundry, at $50 a month; that Oscar Quick be appointed instructor in physics, at $75 a month; that Paul Chipman be appointed assistant in the testing laboratory, at $70 a month (in place of Mr. Peabody, who was appointed in June, but who has resigned); and that Reuben S. Douglass be appointed assistant in the preparatory department, at $75 a month. All of the foregoing appointments are for ten months. Professor Davenport's bill of $6.31, for expenses incurred in attending the meeting of the Farmers' Institute Association, at Springfield, was ordered paid on motion of Mr. Raymond. On motion of Mr. Raymond, $250 was appropriated for the use of the mechanical shops, the money to come from the state appropriation for that purpose. President Graham then asked Mr. Raymond to occupy the chair. On motion of Mr. Morgan, it was voted that the matter of selling five machines no longer needed in the machine shops be referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, with power to act. The machines referred to were: 1 iron top wood shaper; 1 wooden saw bench; 1 multiple spindle drill; 2 centering lathes. The moving of the mechanical laboratory from the Chemical Laboratory and installing it in the new shops, and the moving of machines in the old shops to other parts of the building, were, on motion of Dr. Smith, referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, with power to act, On motion of Mr. Morgan, $100 was appropriated for the purchase of maps, etc., for the Preparatory School. On motion of Mr. Morrison, $75 was appropriated for the use of the committee of the Faculty on accredited schools. On motion of Mr. Morrison, an appropriation of $100 was made for the purchase of additional gas fixtures for Natural History Hall, the money to be expended by the Business Agent. A communication was received from Professor Forbes, Director of i h e State Laboratory of Natural History, with regard to the appro-
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