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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

114 UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS. The committee is instructed to submit a design for the building, with its recommendations thereupon, at a meeting of the Board to be called at its request, at such time as it may fix. The committee is hereby authorized to offer premiums to the amount of $1,200.00 for designs for the library building, under such rules and regulations as may be adopted by the committee; and it is further authorized to offer to the successful competitor the usual fees for service as architect and superintendent. T h e following r e p o r t from Professor F o r b e s , director of t h e S t a t e L a b o r a t o r y of N a t u r a l H i s t o r y was received: URBANA, ILLINOIS, June 10, 1895. Mr. Nelson W. Graham, President Board of Trustees, DEAR S I R : I beg to report concerning appropriations for the State Laboratory of Natural History, that the bill covering our expenditures for the next two years has passed the House and is on third reading in the Senate, where it is practically certain to pass this week, probably on Tuesday. It carries a total amount of $19,800.00, which, in addition to the $5,500.00 specifically appropriated to the Biological Station in the University bill, makes $25,300.00 tor the expenses of investigation work under my direction, as compared with $14,600.00 last session, being an increase of $10,700.00. The present bill contains, in addition to the usual items, an allowance of $1,500 per annum for the expenses of an investigation of the contagious diseases of insects, and of $1,500 per annum for one half the expenses of the biological station at Havana—the other half of these expenses having been provided for in the University bill. I have consequently to ask the reappointment of my present office force, and the appointments additional of Mr. Chas. A. Kofoia, as Superintendent of the Illinois State Biological Experiment Station at a salary of $1,200 per annum; of Mr. B. M. Duggar as Botanical Assistant at the State Laboratory of Natural History, at a salary of $1,000 per annum, and of Mr. Adolph Hempel as Zoological Assistant of the State Laboratory, at a salary of $720 per annum. The complete list is as follows: B. M. Duggar, Botanical Assistant H. C. Forbes, Business Agent and Librarian C. A. Hart, Curator of Collections Adolph Hempel, Zoological Assistant W. G. Johnson, Assistant Entomologist C. A. Kofoid, Superintendent Biological Station. Frank Smith, Assistant Zoologist Mary J. Snyder, Secretary $1,000 1,000 750 720 1,200 1,200 200 750 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Miss Lydia M. Hart, whom I have under continuous engagement as artist, receives a compensation by the hour, varying according to the nature of her work. Mr. Smith's salary from the State Laboratory I have placed at $200 instead of $400 as last year. According to present arrangements for my work, much more of his time will go to the University department of instruction than last year ; and it seems to me right that the University should pay him $1,200 accordingly, instead of the $1,000 now received from that source. Mr. Johnson, on the other hand, whose salary has been in part chargeable to the University assignment of $1,800'for various purposes, made to my department in March, 1894, will be paid according to the above scheme wholly from the State Laboratory appropriations. I think it very desirable that before I finish niy plans for the equipment of the Biological Station I make a trip to Newport, New York City, and Cold Spring Harbor, and perhaps to some other places in the east for the purpose of examining apparatus and methods of equipment provided for similar work elsewhere, and I ask the authority of the Trustees to make this trip at the expense of the appropriation for the equipment of the Station.
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