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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 109 with this Board, and communicate with it freely concerning all matters with which they^ together with this institution, are virtually interested, as it is the sincere desire of this Board to make the agricultural department of the University as efficient and useful to the people of this state as the projectors of the University designed and hopefully anticipated. Resolved, That we cordially invite the members of the agricultural clubs and associations to visit the University and familiarize themselves with its condition and its work. Respectfully submitted, ISAAC S. RAYMOND, ALEXANDER MCLEAN, N. B. MORRISON, Farm Committee. The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees submitted the following report: URBANA, ILLINOIS, June 13, 1895. g To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: GENTLEMEN : Your Executive Committee reports that at a meeting held in Springfield, April 3 : 1895, at which all members of the Committee were resent, an appropriation of $200.00 for incidental expenses, and $200.00 for loard expenses, as made. Respectfully submitted, N. W. GRAHAM, N. B. MORRISON, ALEXANDER MCLEAN, Executive Committee. The report from the Board of Direction of the Agricultural Experiment Station was then taken up and it was voted that appropriations be made as requested in the report, and that authority be given to undertake the experiments therein named. Professor Eugene Davenport was appointed a delegate to attend the meeting of the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations to be held in Denver July next, and it was ordered that his expenses be paid from University funds. There v«as also appropriated $10.00 for payment of the University's membership fee in the association. An appropriation of $30.00 was made for the purchase of a bust of Senator Justin S. Morrill. The question of offering prizes for oratorical contests was referred to the Committee on Instruction. The appointment of needed assistants not already provided for was referred to President Draper and the Executive Committee with power to act. On motion of Mr. Bullard the paving of Green street, laying walks, and payment of the sewer tax was referred to the committee on Buildings and Grounds with power to act; and the Committee was authorized to expend the sum of $9,300.00, appropriated by the legislature at its last session for this purpose. Mr. Morrison, from the Committee on Finance, presented President Draper's bill of expenses, amounting to $82.72; also the bill of Professor H. J. Waters for traveling expenses, amounting to $34.10, and the bill of Miss Adeline W. Rowley for traveling expenses, $9.30, and they were ordered paid.
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