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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
87 On motion of J u d g e Brown, $100 were appropriated for purchase of lawn mowers. The request, from Lieutenant W . A. Dinwiddie, for the purchase of swords for officers of the University battalion, was on motion, referred to the executive committee. The faculty were directed to make arrangements for the dedication and opening of the new laboratory building. An amount of $15 was allowed to the publishers of the " I l l i n i " in settlement of old account. $25 were appropriated for transportation charges of articles from the University, for exhibit at the Paris exposition. On motion, it was resolved that we approve of the regent's acceptance of the appointment tendered him by the president, on nomination of the governor, as commissioner from the state to the Paris exposition, and that leave of absence be granted him for the time necessary to fulfill such appointment after the close of the spring term, as requested in his report. The following report from Mr. Gardner, was received: To the Hon. Board of Trustees, Illinois Industrial University: Y o u r committee to whom was referred the consideration and enquiry relative to t h e sale of t h e new lands in Nebraska and Minnesota, beg* leave to r e p o r t t h a t I have had correspondence with land ag-ents and other parties west, and t h i n k from best information I can get, t h a t if they were p u t u p o n t h e m a r k e t , sales could be effected, in t r a c t s of 160 acres or more, for five dollars p e r acre on l o n g - t i m e , with 8 p e r cent, interest p e r a n n u m (perhaps in advance), or say six t o eight dollars p e r acre on parcels of less a m o u n t . Y o u r committee have no recommendations at this time as to the policy of selling, as I am not personally acquainted with the quality or location of t h e lands, and submit all consideration of same to you. Respectfully, D. GARDNER, Commutes. XTpon the report of Mr. Gardner, in regard to improvements in arboretum and parade grounds, an amount of $150 was appropriated for setting out trees, etc., as by recommendations. Mr. L. Taft was allowed $27 50 for instruction of class in clay modeling. It was voted that the thanks of the board be extended to the gentlemen who delivered lectures at the farmers' institute held at the University in January last, and that their expenses be paid. The following report from the building committee, was received. CHAMPAIGN, March 13th, 1878. To the Board of Trustees of Illinois Industrial University of the State of Illinois: The undersigned, y o u r building* committee on erection and completion of laboratory, would respectfully r e p o r t as follows: The building- is now nearly completed; t h e following-is a s t a t e m e n t of moneys paid a c cording- to contract, with contractors and builders. Terrill & Co,, estimates for. August September October November. December. [January ... 909 91 &39 71 856 85 860 25 678 20 438 65 616 25 $16,999 82 Contract price of Terrill & Co., $23,896 00, showing- a balance due Terrill & Co., when completed, of $6,896 18, which is payable J u l y 1, 1878, u n d e r act of a p p r o p r i a t i o n for t h e same. We further report t h e following* a m o u n t s paid t o Seeley Brown, as s u p e r i n t e n d e n t of building laboratory : bal.
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