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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
86 John 1878. F e b ' y 28: By a m ' t paid board expense 28 salaries 28'; on a c c ' t buildings and g r o u n d s , 28 fuel a n d lights. 28^ stationery and p r i n t i n g 28 mechanical d e p a r t m e n t 28' architectural " 28' agricultural 'w 28 horticultural "k 28, chemical ' l 28' military * 28 library a n d a p p a r a t u s 28 incidental expenses 28; model of horse 28 preparatory department 28 c o u r t charges 28 papyrograph 28 microscopes 28 chemical laboratory. 28 green house 28, cabinets 28| cabinet cases 28! books and publications 28! library cases 28 i c u r r e n t ex. instruction in shops, 28! chemical & physical laboratory . . 28 i buildings and g r o u n d s balance. $ 38 40 7,443 63 25 81 772 54 146 27 819 73 496 54 1,498 46 495 73 89 51 16 39 3 99 103 31 824 97 540 00 31 00 50 00 18 56 IF. Sunn, Treasurer, in Acc*t with Illinois Industrial University: $4,591 94 223 00 328 23 271 59 850 81 492 78 535 00 85 10 522 58 7,904 03 15,838 52 $37,157 39 C H A M P A I G N , March 12th, 1878. J O H N W. BUNN, MARCH 1 3 T H , 1 8 7 8 . Treasurer. The board assembled at 9 a. m., as per adjournment. On motion of J u d g e Brown, $200 were appropriated to engrave and prepare diplomas and certificates of scholarship. It was also ruled that a fee of $5 00 be charged for every diploma conferring a degree. T h a t part of the regent's report, which relates to library cases and table, was referred to building committee. The farm committee were continued, and on motion of J u d g e Brown the reports of Prof. Morrow and the head farmer were referred t o them. The following request from Professors Robinson and Ricker was received : I L L I N O I S I N D U S T R I A L U N I V E R S I T Y , M a r c h 11, 1878. To the Regent and Board of Trustees: GENTLEMEN : Believing it t o b e t o t h e interest of o u r schools t o hold a s u m m e r session of about two months, a t Chicago, and p e r h a p s one or two other points, we respectfully a s k p e r m i t t o do so a t o u r risk as r e g a r d s t h e financial outcome of it, a n d in t h e n a m e of t h e University. Also we would a s k t h a t we be allowed, for t h e purpose, t h e u s e of some of t h e cabinet models and a p p a r a t u s of t h e schools, and such portions of t h e shop practice tools as will not b e required here during t h e time. All being entered upon record, t o b e r e t u r n e d i n good order. Very respectfully, S. W. ROBINSON, N. CLIFFORD RICKER. The request, on motion of Mr. McLean, was referred to Col. Mason, Mr, Sabin and Mr. Cobb, with power to act.
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