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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
65 Cost not t o exceed $40 00; b u t Mr. Terrell says t h a t if you object to paying for this ornam e n t a l work, you need not do so. Total cost for changes, E x t r a flues Dormer windows Hot air flues E x t r a height of chimneys Ornamental slating E x t r a in skylight not included. 8th. If the south room in mansard is ever to be used as a drawing or modeling room, or for any similar purpose, it would be well to p u t in a skylight in t h e roof above it. The probable expense would not be very great; would depend on you. 9th. It will be best to p u t in partition between agricultural and quantitive laboratories, now, making it partlv of glass and so light as possible. I t was omitted from t h e drawings by request of Prof. Weber. For the a m o u n t s paid the contractors and other persons on account of t h e laboratory, reference is made to the books of the business agent. I submit herewith to you, plans of t h e building showing its proposed internal a r r a n g e ments. 1. A r r a n g e m e n t of furniture, such as desks, sinks, gashoods, tables, &c. These are outlined in red lines. 2. The proposed mode of heating and ventilating the building. 3. The mode of getting rid of all noxious vapors arising from chemical manipulations. Pipes outlined in orange. 4. The water supply and distribution pipes, drawn in blue. 5. The waste water system. Not shown m plans. 6. The gas supply and distribution pipes drawn in green, except those serving to lightmansard story, which are red. 1.—THE FURNITURE, ETC. $ 52 00 20 00 25 00 35 22 40 00 $172 22 The desks in t h e laboratories of qualitative and quantative analysis are 4 ft. 3 in. by 16 feet placed 4 ft. 6 in. apart, each accommodating 8 students, and in general form similar to those now in use, but should be built of hard wood, best of ash, and finished in oil and shellac. Each desk is fitted with two wash bowls 16 inches in diameter, with water and waste pipes, and with two gas hoods, with gas flues, and gas pipes and b u r n e r s . Each laboratory is also fitted with large gas hoods, sinks and with water and waste pipes, and blow pipes, which are furnished with pipes conveying compressed air and also gas. Store rooms have a lift, counter, shelves and drawers, and an a p p a r a t u s for m a k i n g distilled water, with steam and water pipes. Class and lecture rooms have platforms with water, gas and waste pipes. P h a r m a c y room will have a prescription c o u n t e r and desk with gas pipes, sink with water and waste pipes, and wall cases with shelves and drawers. Laboratory of Prof. Weber will have working desk, with one gas hood and wash bowl, with water, waste and gas pipes, and gas flues, sink, balance shelf and gas hood. Ladies' and g e n t l e m e n ' s clothes rooms will have wash bowls, with water and waste pipes, clothes hooks, &c. Gas analysis room will have table with water, waste and gas pipes, and sink with water and waste pipes. Balance room will have balance shelf and an a p p a r a t u s case. T a n k room in mansard will have a 100 barrel t a n k of boiler iron, supported on trusses resting on brick walls, filled by pipes from p u m p in basement, and by down spout from deck roof, with overflow pipe discharging into main g u t t e r of the building. Dark room will have sink, shelves and drawers, table with gas, water and waste pipes. Toning room same. W a t e r pipes will also be laid into each room in m a n s a r d story to provide for any possible use of t h e u n a p p r o p r i a t e d rooms. 2.—PROPOSED METHOD OF HEATING AND VENTILATION. To be done by forcing air past steam coils in hot air chamber in basement, thence t h r o u g h ducts to each room. All t h e heating surface will be placed in hot air chamber except a few radiators which may be necessary in halls. F a n to be placed where indicated, in engine room, forcing air into hot air chamber. This is driven by an engine, of 8-horse power, which will be sufficient to drive fan and milling machinery, and p u m p s . This engine to be driven by a smnll separate boiler, as it will require to be r u n whenever building is used. Main boiler used for heating the steam coils alone. Both discharge smoke into large smoke flue, and the waste heat assists in producing draft in ventilating shaft. Steam coils to be arranged in sections so t h a t any injured pipe can be shut off, without interfering with t h e others, and arranged so t h a t any section can be drawn out for repairs. By tin pipes in basement, and flues in walls, the warmed air is conducted t o t h e various rooms. Valves will be a r r a n g e d at the lower ends of flues, so t h a t t h e j a n i t o r can t u r n on or off the hot air from any room without going to t h a t room. The m a x i m u m a m o u n t of air required for the whole building, is about 250,000 cubic feet per hour. 13,000 lineal feet steam pipes will be necessary to heat this, and a No. 6 or 7 S t u r t e v a n t blower to furnish it. By experiment, t h e openings into flues are to be made of p r o p e r size so as t o supply each room equally, and u n d e r uniform p r e s s u r e . I have ar- 5
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