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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
63 any interruption of my work here, without the full consent of the trustees. In this connection, I wish to ask the use of t h e parlor of the university, for a meeting of the state board of health, the 20th of December, inst. Very respectfully, J. M. GREGORY, Regent. The report was received. T h e treasurer, J . W . Bunn, Esq., then presented his report. TREASURER'S REPORT. John 1877. TV. Bunn, Treasurer, in actft with Illinois DR. Industrial University. 11 8 Nov. 5 4 4 30 4 * 30 4 * 30 4 4 30 4 4 30 4 4 30 4 4 30 4 4 30 4 4 30 4 4 30 44 30 4 4 30 Sept. Oct. » balance a m ' t rec' d on 4a c e ' t B u r n e t t ' s note 44 4 Burton's judgment 44 4 ' agricultural d e p a r t m e n t 44 *' '4* horticultural 4 4 * mechanical ** 44 4 44 *4 architectural 44 4 chemical *4 44 44 fuel and lights 44 44 buildings and grounds 44 '4 Microscopes 44 44 library and a p p a r a t u s 44 •4 Preparatory department 44 44 fees and room rents 44 44 Illinois Central R. B . freight. $3,980 03 137 51 586 151 540 90 7 25 62 611 20 30 16 271 31 17i 960 00 2,474 50 683 45 $43,224 28 450 00 28 65 9,500 14 $53,203 07 John 1877. TV. Bunn, Treasurer, in acc't with Illinois CR. Industrial University. $ 75 75| N o v . 30' By a m ' t paid board expense 7,302 48! 30 for salaries. fuel a n d lights 832 98! 30! stationery aud p r i n t i n g 110 431 30: buildings and g r o u n d s 4 40 30 incidental expenses 43 33 30 on a c e ' t agricultural d e p a r 4 m e n t t4 2,690 98 30 horticultural , 152 09 30 44 mechanical 830 34 30 44 architectural 632 93| 30 44 chemical 84 56 30 44 military 39 93 30 book keeping 30 34 651 green house , 30 39 14 Chicago exposition 30 64 19 court charges 30 7 05! engineer's transit 30 30 microscopes 12 31 30 library and a p p a r a t u s 11 59 30 preparatory department 30 645 00! $13,614 43 chemical laboratory 12,383 73 30 44 green house 1,260 81 i 30 cabinets 30 250 65 44 buildings a n d grounds 526 53 30 mechanical shops 30 395 38 44 cabinet cases 56 60! 30 44 library cases 30! 257 60 30 books and publications 279 99 44 physical and chemical laboratories, 301 80 74 15,492 03 44 30 24,096 61 Balance. $53,203 07 Urbana, December 5, 1811. The report was accepted. JOHN W . BUNN, Treasurer.
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