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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

49 cess of erection, and to pay such salary to said person as they may deem just and right. And further, they shall have full power and control in all matters pertaining to the erection of the building and disposition of material on the grounds, in view of protecting same from injury, and generally to act under authority of the board of trustees. T h e building committee were given authority to take measures for the drainage of the main buildings and grounds, in connection with the drainage of the new laboratory building. Recess till 7.30 P . M. EVENING SESSION. T h e board assembled at the hour appointed. T h e regent made the following report, as chairman of committee on janitors of dormitory and main building, which was adopted : The committee on janitors have not as yet employed any janitor for the main building, but have several acceptable candidates before them out of whom to select. They recommend that the pay for such janitor be fixed at $40 the month, as good, well qualified men can be had for that sum or even less. It is understood that the janitor shall still continue to have house room, fuel and lights provided as heretofore. It is also understood that he shall continue to be charged with the care of the entire building, and of the heating apparatus, as before; but that in place of employing his own assistants as heretofore, such assistants as may be needed from time to time, shall be furnished by the trustees. D. GARDNER, J. M. GREGORY. The committee to whom was referred the employment of janitors, respectfully report that they have employed for the dormitory building, Mr. C. W. Williams, at the rate of thirty dollars a month, with the right reserved of discharging him at the end of any month, whenever he ceases to s^ive satisfaction. It is agreed also, that he shall have the use for himself and family, of room No. 1 and the two rooms adjoining it, also, of such rooms as he may need in the basement. He is also to have fuel for the ordinary use of himself and family, in sitting and dining rooms and kitchen, and gas for sitting room. He is to take charge of the entire building and out buildings, of the coal sheds and coal, and to see that all are kept clean and in good order. He is also to look after fences and plank walks, and keep the same in repair as far as his time will permit. And he will thoroughly clean the entire building, and put the same in order before the opening of the term, and make such repairs and do such other work pertaining to the janitor as the trustees or regent may at any time require. During term time he shall keep all halls and public rooms and unoccupied rooms in good order, weigh out coal to students, and preserve as far as possible good order in all the buildings under his charge and report to the regent all cases of gross disorder, or of damage done by students or others. Respectfully submitted, D. GARDNER, J. M. GREGORY. On motion the regent and Mr. Gardner were authorized to have two patent gates put up. T h e regent and Prof. Bicker were authorized to employ an assistant in architecture and shop practice, at a salary not exceeding $400 per annum. The regent and Prof. W e b e r were authorized to employ an assistant in the chemical laboratory, the salary not to exceed $300 per annum. On motion the regent and Prof.' Snyder were authorized to correspond and apply for the detail of an army officer from the war department for an assistant military instructor. On motion the regent was authorized to get the wainscoting and doors of the first and second iloors of main building, grained, the cost not to exceed $200. T h e recommendations of Prof. Robinson in regard to the heating apparatus were referred to the building committee with power to act. Adjourned. 4
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