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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

50 SEPTEMBER MEETING. The board assembled on the 11th September, 1877, at 4 o'clock, p. m. and was called to order by the chairman. Present Messrs. Cobb, Gardner, Mason, McLean and Sabin. Absent Governor Cullom, Hon. Gillham, Messrs. Brown, Byrd, Pickrell and Flagg. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Upon report of recording secretary, certain bills for costs in county and supreme courts were audited, amounting together to $11.55. The matter of foreclosure of mortgage against Mr. Miller was referred to Mr. Gardner, with powder to act. The report of the business agent was then read and received and the warrants audited. ILLINOIS INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY. C H A M P A I G N , 111., Sept. 11th, 1877. Hon. Emory Cobb, Prest. Board of Trustees, Illinois Industrial SIR: University : I have t h e honor to m a k e herewith a financial s t a t e m e n t as business agent, for the six months ending Sept, 1st, 1877. P a p e r A g-ives the c u r r e n t appropriations with t h e expenditures and receipts u n d e r t h e same vouchers. Also p a p e r B shows t h e condition of the state appropriations. Your attention is also called to t h e p a p e r s m a r k e d C, as requiring t h e action of t h e board. P a p e r D. Also to several bills on which w a r r a n t s have not been d r a w n . Truly Yours, S. W. SHATTUCK, Business A g e n t . STATEMENT of current appropriations and receipts, August 31, 1877 . UNEXPENDED. ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRI- j RECEIPTS. EXPENDED. ATED. 1 Dr. G r e g o r y ' s expenses Board expenses Salaries Fuel and lights Advertising Stationery and printing Bal. st Buildings and grounds Mr. Ttoos' drawing room Incidental expense Library and a p p a r a t u s Tools Mechanical d e p a r tkm e n t Architectural * Horticultural 'k Duties Chemical d e p a r t m e n t u Agricultural Military and g y m n a s i u m Special—Eng. transit Botanical d e p ' t , microscope Cabinet Additional Eng. dep' t Physical laboratory Veterinary department Dr. Gregory' s office Pup. department Fees and r e n t s 111. Cent. R. R. Freights $13 15 200 00 16,605 00 300 00 185 00 300 00 568 00 200 00 30 00 200 00 300 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 6 72 158 84 2,988 51 50 00 550 00 95 36 150 00 10 00 28 50 15 00 787 93 35 00 86 58 57 70 4 50 1,935 49 1,859 28 634 73 303 14 3,679 10 32 54 392 32 16,237 99 527 13 507 46 155 15 238 29 58 85 1,837 71 1,517 00 427 61 310 03 4,356 28 50 53 110 33 95 04 45 15 9 96 1 50 1 495 00 i j 179 17 367 01 140 55 23 46 670 55 3 79 241 15 207 78 402 28 213 84 151 95 2,331 33 53 5 50 17 57 54 96 6 65 7 19 786 43 35 00 345 00 2 15 840 00 2,019 50 393 60 i
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