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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1874 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Illinois Industrial University. 57 The work on the heating apparatus is well along, though some delay comes from all the flooring not being down, and a change of radiators in the library made neeesaary by the particular use of the room . To which party the cost of this change is chargeable, is an open'question. The amount, I am told, will be about #100. The gas fixtures are mostly in. The library cases are nearly completed. I t is proposed to sommence the transfer of books on Monday next; will commence at that time also, or sooner, to transfer the furniture, etc . Mcst of the seating and some furniture for tht chapel has been received; the setters are being p u t together. After a long delay on the part of the Yale Stock Company, a sufficient number of superior locks for the building have been furnished. The carpenter work and painting have been much delayed by the lack, of flooring. Fastenings for the basement windows are required, many persons entering the building throug them, unless a watch is kept. Respectfully submitted, S. W. SHATTUCK. To the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University : MESSRS—I have the honor to make the following report, as Regent, pro tern.: Under the authority granted at your meeting, Aug. 14, the annual examination questions of the University have been printed, and copies with circular letter sent to County Superintendents. The University, and the time of beginning of its next academic year, has been advertised in. the leading agricultural papers of the west, and in some of the leading general papers of the country, at an expense of some less than $100. The necessary cleaning and whitewashing, with repairs of the old University building, have been made. The cleaning of the new building is "not yet complete. The green-house has been repaired and arranged so that the florist will room in it the coming year— this was thought quite desirable. On Sept. 18 the moving of the furniture, library, etc., to the new building was commenced and continued until completed, except during the interruption caused by Mr. Gehlman in locking up the building. With the concurrence of the President of the Board, I recommend the appointment of Mr. A. C . Swartz, as tutor in the College of Engineering, at $40 dollars per month; Mr. P. Gennadius, as tutor in French, at $40; Mr. J. D Crawford, as Instructor in Aueient Languages ,at $75 per month. The above named gentlemen are on the ground doing duty in the several positions named. Attention is asked to the communication of Mr. Lawrence. On the 12th inst. Dr. Gregory returned to the Univeisity relieving me of the duties of Regent, pro tern. Respectfully submitted, S. W. SHATTUCK. Mr. Lawrence was directed to take the necessary steps to have the hedge taken care of. The following resolution was passed: Resolved, That an account of $225 for arbitration fees be allowed, one-half to be collected of Mr. H. Gehlman, by his consent. Mr. Blackburn moved that an Executive Committee of three members be appointed, as provided in the by-laws, was carried. The President, Messrs. Bowen, and Gardner were appointed. Dr. Gregory's bill of purchases in Europe was allowed, to be charged to proper funds, and also to send money to pay for apparatus ordered by him in Paris. The following was passed : Resolved, That it is inexpedient to put up a room in the old building for recitations of the class in chemistry, on account of the extra expense of providing means of heating, and also of inconvenience to students, and that the room heretofore assigned for agriculture be used by the Pfofessor of Chemistry for his recitations. The purchase of Devon Bull, Prairie Farmer, was declined. The President was asked to call the Executive Committee, when needed. The Board adjourned, to meet at the time of the next meeting of the Agricultural Society, in December next.
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