Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1961 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
REGULATIONS FOR HOUSE AND ORGANIZATION SOCIAL I VI \ IS • . Type of I vent Dance or party Petition Time to • • Required Ves Submit Time Limits: Days and 11 ours Chaperonage Mai ried I', /•<>>; Request 10 d.i Due Wednei da follow ii Velif *i " I ),lll' | I nl i ahead 8:00 p.m. to i2:oo midnighl h i , or Sat. held i . - faculty mpl from ; Weekend house party Ves OIK- month •i.oo p.m. Sat. ahead to i.oo p.m., Sun. 4:00 to 7MO p . m . , '/'lies., Mouse director Wednead following e ven \ One] forn I dai I f •! < I i n < it. rily a Exchange dessert! or dinners Ves 3 d;«vs ahead through Sat. ! route directoi oi iculty couple Men'i I i with ap| (In ton ire mpi « f J"' i held in h p Banqueti or dinners V 3 dayi ahead 5:30 to 9:30 p.m., in'. or Sat, 2:oo to $:00 p.m., s.-if,, House Sin* director or faculty couple llou director or faculty couple f hel the ) i> % •* Ml \* IN n I through Sal H prions, dinner guests, as Ves 3 day* ahead or Sun. \1/ with hou due. f r rnpt event I held in ! • > pi ! 111 \'\< nicS| h'jyridi-H, V es 3 d;i'. ahead dler-skating *• 4:00 to 7:30 p.m., MoHi through I hurt.; 1 oo to 11:00 p.m., I n ' . ; 2 : 0 0 fo M.i m'i i II ulty VVednt dav follow iuj: . • in 14 Illi \'i ( i ro v ( ' d J » Jl chop 1 n nor i \. II oo p.m., Sat.; 2:00 i" 9 00 p.m., in,