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Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1961 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

f|u. ;uMiI«n p< phya \ disabled ntudcnti at the I n Illinois can be looked on with pride bj .ill I linn. To date, I disabled I deni received degrees in 40 fields, and all are su< ully enga I in \ in tin- chosen pro ssion, Manj have re I advanced <l- rc< and i in) h; had high scholastic marks Rie co-salutatorian < i the Februai 19 > ;n |ass w as .1 ed in a wheelchair, ,li|s ll| MARRIED s r i (DENTS The Universitj recognizes thai married students sometimes need rvi that single undergraduate students do not need. They are invited to bring their problems to the offices ol the Mean of Men and Dean of Women, to the Counseling Service, and to other counseling agencies throughout the campus. HOI SING Questions regarding housing for married students and their families should he directed to Family Housing Office, Housing Division, 227 Illini Hall. A limited amount oi I niversity housing for married students is available. Th< Housing Division, 108 Illini Hall, also maintains lists of rental hous and partments in the I rbana-Champaign community. COUNSELING The Student Counseling Service, as part of its program of personal and psychological counseling (see Page 2 1 ) , offers assistance to those with problems arising from pre-marital and marital adjustment. Counseling is available without charge to all undergraduates. Appointments should be made through the Reception Office, 311 Administration ( E ) , Ext. 2210. T h e Mental Hygiene Unit of the University Health Service (see Page 21), has highly trained staff in psychiatric and psychological fields available to assist with marriage counseling. T h e Unit considers it desirable to counsel with both marriage partners, even though only one may be a student or seek help. Psychiatric social workers in the Unit assist with family problems, and help students et in touch with specialized agencies of the community or in their home towns. Appointments at the Mental Health Unit may be made by calling Ext. 3840. Students frequently want to consult their ministers, priests, or rabbis for prelarital or marital counseling. See Page 57 for listing of campus religious foundations. BABY-SITTING T h e Student Employment office, Ext. 544, or individual residence halls or student rooming houses may be able to ^ivc limited assistance in providing babysitters, provided they have enough advance notice. Those hiring baby-sitters are reminded that undergraduate women must return to their houses or halls by losing hours (sec Page 4 6 ) , and may not stay over night in private homes. OTHER PROBLEMS .Married students looking for solutions to other common problems may want to consult the sections of this booklet on Student Employment (Page 25) ; Financial Aids (Page 2 3 ) ; Loans (Page 2 4 ) ; Health and Medical Insurance ( P a g e 2 1 ) ; and M o t o r Vehicle ( P a g e 4 7 ) . J9
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