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Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1961 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
m (il I VTIONS M'l'l ^ ING TO l \ | ) | KCK \ I ) ( J A H \o\ n sot \\\ i i» i MK l AM \ll<s PWI your act) 1 pa:- Ur iiiir ' \1 ;h ! npm | i i n t-ltHr i Of arc w hh have tl nun 1 ogr; pla and il < cnM and -»i *1 i them ( er I »n W ' rani dran i ts, 1 \ English B ling, fi ea in nat n on r<v ron and pla al functions. J also a n social for I < and organ • in n bci M h o: v ri \% v :h .1 i i, but she also is happy I lit with I r ' The so il cl n and pi tident i ich or p* sonal responsible id; and i ndud I so< d t I hese *p sibili: s include: hospil blc t tment f chaperon in t ipon ti r stri n event ipprop re a the ho pr I on of the of intox .u: : liqi r, responsibility <r luct o? i • attendinj « of and ifety precautions, and closin on til I t is important to plan the house or organization soc I i ldar r the IT i rly in the fall semester. Social events may not be hedulcd on If comin D a d Da] or M o t h e r ' s Day weekends; during final examinat »r soc ! events may not be held outside the C h a m p a i g n - U r b a n a city limits. N e w I oi places within the city approved for social events are available each sem t e n DANCES A house may hold a limit of five dances per onester, of which only one m be formal. O t h e r s may be as informal as record dances. OTHER SOCIAL EVENTS Houses frequently like to hold exchange-dinners, d< jcrtJ >r coke h a jes as group events, to get their members better acquainted with other iden Picnics, hayrides, splash parties, " a t homes," caroling, serenading, and roll* skating are other possibilities for social events. PETITIONING You must petition, and have the petition approved, before you can hold a social e m t Petitions may be obtained at the Office of the Dean oi W o m e n . CHAPERONS Student social events are sponsored (chaperoned) by a married couple from the faculty. However, housing group events other than dances, picnics, hayrides, and roller-skating may he sponsored by approved house directors. O r g a n izatii c -nts of hobby, professional, and activities groups usually are sponsored In LCulty members sharing those fields of interest. Files of names oi faculty SDOnors are available in the Dean of W o m e n ' s office. Lists of temporary house direcor« also are on file; these women, approved by the University, are available In arrang nent to serve during informal events in houses not employing full-tim hoi; e directors, and are paid for their services, REPORTS Following each Social event, an evaluation report must be filed at the Dean Of Women's office by theftOCl'alrbairnian and the faculty sponsors. ~ ~ ^ « « T « « * ft | * « « X < 40
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