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Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1961 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Ill If i I! wl ! h lit ,rtl "T- I Ipl mil il li lif ' « "I illJill in u IrtfJi ,j ; gl I |'!v It : n il an.I » women in h lj " ^ I IM'N pi id | UP O t l »kn llr.l III ,|| | | I hi I mtndat rs ••" M , th< numb rs M n l i \ ing in rat h I \m I, announ I ikrn b k le indn idual I iml vote u| n npii-i H nd U| n \V(KS 1 HI I'h j | II $ / ///TVI f v ' ' the pi nf ^ Kn htnan I' • I, fl «etnt u* ami a hicult) ad> is< Ih p nd W< Mi itu ; t.il pol v and make n mmendati * wncil a it poi • to independent w omen, v / H ! of II i \ < is a leach p trainii »r lepen nr freshman w nen, l( help onsoi W S pn id fui I hrl independent freshman won n adjust to colli life v // .•//. ( 'tumid I'll important s s as n sorj liason between the two w men's rrmm! s> It tudiei evaluate M^\ makes ree mmendations in matters that would all und< iduate women It also functions as the sub nmittee on women's h < i the ( mmittee on Student Affairs, Members ol the i mmitti are the p dents oi Panhellenic .\\)A \ \ ( !S, plus four repn ntatives who i I on foi m bership and are chosen annual!) foi the com yeai bj the out dtti INTERFB kTERNITl COUNCIL / ity i un ' is the le dative A\\^\ governing l>od\ oi the s, I fraternities with chapters on campus, Membership oi the Council inclu s p dents nnd junior representative from each fraternity, Alms of the [nterfraternity Council are to instill in fraternitj membe - I i for the traditions and standards oi the I niversitj i Nlin while proi \\\\ oi the general welfare and octal, recreation d. and » iolasti< ies oi I iternity members. The I F EA titti'c i ommit with the / /•' / nt\ tth j ; ad\ the association's president -uu\ helps coordinate fraternity affairs, /' /. I\ • nity Iff* i composed oi faculty, alumni, .md [nterfrat lit) Council officei helps formulate basic poli< s foi Interfratcrnit) ( mncil, with ;» view to sccii that every fraternit) fakes its propei place in the life i th< campu The Bo< I nity hi i also set a court oi app ds from d« ma <>i the / /•' Judicial Commit! . Othei important committee i K work in an oi pledge training, cholarship, Greek \\ • k activities rushing intramurals, and public relations, Jun fnterf nity I ouncii made up oi tw representatives from es i fraternit) pledge cln provide training in future campus leadership /oi youn fraternit) men. Junioi I I also makes recommendations to I V Council and individual fraternitii re irdin pled training and rushing pi edures, MI \ s i\i)i:ri;Ni)i:\i ASSOCIATION Men''. Independent \i ociation (you will most oft i heai il ailed " M . I \ repn ruts men students not affiliated with fraternitii 01 I niversit) Residence II.ill who live in oi-'.im.'ed independent dormitories oi re min house It r
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