Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1961 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

av n proi jcholaishii athln \ - .1 rxents, and in pn idin the independent man to have full parti pation n all i i1 M ol Throu M 1 t ' i governing and policj making bods, the Monday < ouncil, eseni - t m each mcmbei house give th< independent mal tudent i campu s V\u Council discusses and evaluates campui problem lulatt M.l \. s official position concerning them. The M.L.i. v B I .lets in an advisory capacit independent men. to the Mond; i until. Merab and ass NUN SKI I I I the Adv >ry Board are M.i. V officei faculty memb ant dean of men l 11)1 \ ( I HAI.I.S YSSOC'IATION The Men'i R< HalU A iation (M.K.I 1.A.) is made up of students ; in the I niversitv's residence halls for men. Membership is automatic, in lies >r the A.-soeiation are included in the housing contract for men ng in Univ< halls. Newest i the five housing groups, M.R.H.A.'s governing body is its Presitttdlj composed of presidents of the member houses. Its aims are to ster ; ins and facilities for advancement of the group and its members scholaslly. Iturally, so illy, and athletically. An M.R.II./l. Executive Council, r up of elected officers is a steering and policy-making board that plans and oon ites activities of the Association. President o: M . R . H . A . is elected by popular vote of the Halls' residents. He is as d in his administrative duties by an internal vice president, an ex rive vice president, and a vice president for programs. THE STUDENT SENATE T h e Student Senate consists of no more than 65 undergraduate members, including 16 who are ex-officio, representing the housing groups, various allcampus boards and councils, and other senators elected from geographic "districts." Basic purposes of the Student Senate are to promote the general welfare of the student body, to encourage responsible citizenship among students, and to serve as an agent of expression of student opinion on all matters which pertain to students. T h e Student Senate also sponsors several service projects, among them a Travel Research Bureau, which studies and provides information and assistance on low-cost foreign travel opportunities available to students. FRESHMAN SEMINAR A number of freshman students arc chosen each fall to take part in a Freshman Seminar. T h e y are chosen on the basis of petitions to the student senate. ollowed by examinations and interviews. T h e Freshman Seminar conducts on local, national, and international problems as they affect students within the campus community. Freshmen participating in the Seminar sometimes are called upon to assist with Student Senate programs as well as to initiate projects of their own. THE PRESIDENTS PANEL T h e President's Panel is a group of student leaders invited to meet from tj: ro time with the President ol the I Diversity for informal discussion of irrent topi< and matters of special interest. 29