Caption: Booklet - Admissions Requirements (1969) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Collr Ul i Curricula al Champaign m Minimum Spe- Mil Tmmler A v e n <i R«-',.mtmtnti k<-'|im.-'l High "xhool Wank (f rethmen only) Phytici Retldentti Uppei ! i Nf)tuotidentii Upp.-r VA See footnote 7 below Combined Engineering Liberal Arti and Science* ( f l v - y e a r program) i Contin " in luctiion. i A minimum in .ill com id |)h in i |! l,M See ErMjineein.g •'•* ' ' ! ir ' lophon* >•• •• rcc|uirei adm ion t<> i d van i Handing i r< in irnc hi i pl> n ill ml cxclutivc <»i I u militai and mathemat .ur i r q u i r c d foi n and i>l> -l education and in in advanced und< ihinrd mat he mm i < COLLEGE OF PHYSICAL E D U C A T I O N Recreation (option* in general recreation, park administration, outdoor recreation, Nonretidentu U p p e r VA 3.25 I'atter n and therapeutic recreation) Health and Safety Edu'ntion 1 (option* In \ >ol health education, uhool l a f e t y •du omrri / health education, and publl afety •duration) Phy I Education for Men Phyti'al Ed 'ion for Womer ' I aftei 60 temetter he who to lea* li (<*<! -I I lili r d i u u t i o n ni rhool nal rducatioi n I tli« ophomon riMjiui dm on to advanced tnndiiiH in lea* liei edi i ill cu linn hi and the l o p h o m o n •• H requiri ncJm ion i " id ii O r j | OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Per»on<il inlet vlaw a n d f o i l icoret w h r n IrMjUl I tfudenti may *nter only >«pf«mb«r) 6 0 lomottn h o1 a and ph> r*l»M a l l o n * I crr« t live of mllltai y