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22 IvOt.KKS JOSEPH s. ('nhrrsity of Illinois Library School VV. The rise of American edition binding. Jn j , h Helmut, ed. Hook-binding in America. S o u t h w o r t h - A n t h o ^ s ^ " ^ ! SAVILI.E, MAHALA. Publishing houses and their birthdays. Wiltftn rL SOn letin 15:492-94, 689. February, April 1941. "***!* SCUDDER, ROBERT K. Current bibliographical sources for government m — ^ acquisition: an annotated list. College and research libra-- s 2:270.7 r,e 6 June 1941. SEALOCK, RICHARD B. and SEELY, P A U L I N E A . L o n g Island bibliograohv u } balt1 more, Maryland, Enoch P r a t t free library, 1940. 338 p. * ' SETTELMAYER, JOHN C. [Review of] Regional library a its readers. Lib rarv quarterly 11:379-80. July 1941. SETTELMAYER, MARION (Kanak). Contributions to the technical process review of Randall, W. M. ed- The acquisition and cataloging of book In John Crerar library quarterly 12:10-11. 1941. SHOVE, RAYMOND H. Disposal of unneeded books in a public library. Minnesota libraries 13:208-11. September 1941. SISTER MARY REPARATA. The Rosary College Library School—the first decade. Catholic bookman 5:42-44. November-December, 1941. STANFORD, EDWARD B. Honors work and the college library. Library quarterly 12:221-45. April 1942. STERLING, FELICIA M. Japanese sword mountings in the bequest of George Cameron Stone. In Chronicle of the Museum for the arts of decoration of Cooper union. 1:261-73. April 1941. STILL, JAMES. On Troublesome Creek. New York, Viking press. 1941. 190 p. STONE, ELIZABETH OPAL. Measuring the college collection. Library journal 66: 941-43. November 1, 1941. Methods of evaluating reference service. Library journal 67: 296-98. April 1, 1942. TAYLOR, KANARDY L. Inter-library loans. Library journal 66:470-71. June 1, 941 1 J. Christian Bay at seventy; a review and a bibliography Chicago, John Crerar library, 1941. of VANDER PLOEG, JEANNETTE. S.L.A.C. library tests. School library association California bulletin 12:24. May 1941. WILCOX, JEROME K. Official defense publications: guide to state and federal publications. University of California, Bureau of public administration September 1941 and supplement January 1942. Mimeographed. — Manual on the use of state publications. Chicago, America" library association, 1940. WILSON, EUGENE H. Survey of libraries in colleges and universities which* n en ,neCr g d e n S e t r a i n i n cot,rscs f Vo i T\ K 1941. , £ « ' College and research !*»"* 3:18-30. December March WRIGHT, IDA F. Successful letters and lists. A.L.A. bulletin 35:192-93. 1941. WVETH, M. National defense and the librarv Georgia library rdry bulletin 1:1-5. March 1941. " ZmMMMAN, LEE R Facts and fancies on binding c o s t t < L i b j o l I r l i a ! 66:** May 15, 1941. Program of service on bookbinding. Library journal 66 March 1, 1941. OI.A : # » • tie*5
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