UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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University of Illinois Library School three years, her final decision was received regretfully by all tho* J know her. She plans to travel, study, and enjoy her freedom from M

duties. M a r g a r e t N o r t o n , '06-'07, for m a n y y e a r s reference librarian of I cge College Library, died on April 7, 1938, after a short illness. She -jradj £ C a Smith College in 1906 and then a t t e n d e d the Library S c h o o l ! 19o£o7."The following year she had a position in the University ,f Q { Press She then went to the Louisville, Ky., Public Library for tv then after t w o years of c a t a l o g i n g at t h e University of Chicago L j l she returned to her beloved S m i t h College in 1912 to remain ther the exception of 1921-23, which she spent in the library of Constanthm College where her m o t h e r was also located. T h e r e during vacation > c h had trips t o E g y p t , Palestine, and n e i g h b o r i n g countries. Indeed her favorite recreation was travel, and last summer she had a long trip to the Scandinavian countries and Russia. She had many fri who loved her for her vivacity, her unfailing optimism, her humor, and absolute unselfishness. Bessie E s t h e r Stover, 1906-07, formerly an assistant in the catalog tpartment of the State University of I o w a Library, Iowa City, ha from active service. Anne F r a s e r Leidendeker, B.L.S. '08. Some friend sent us the folio* | clipping from a Los Angeles m a g a z i n e : "We've made a pathetic discovery. Librarians, whose whole lives a involved with authors, almost never meet any. "This revelation came when Anne Leidendeker, president of the U fornia Library Association, in charge of the science department at the U Angeles Public Library, asked for our aid in plans for the big convent!on to take place at the Ambassador in May. T h e r e ' s to be a banqiu May 20. " ' A n d oh, we do want some famous guests of honor,' pleaded Ann* "'Movie stars'? we snipped. "'Good gracious, no. W e want *some really popular authors, ji look at them, you know. You'd be surprised how rarely a librarian a an author. Most of us have never even seen a minor one, much lc celebrity/ she said with wistful yearning." ie Bertha L. Sharp Schroeppel, '10-'ll, '34-'35, is now an assistant in catalog department of the University of Illinois Library, Urbana. Clara Brooks Bennitt, B.L.S. '12, writes most interestingly of her to South America, where her husband has a position. They will bejoeyi im at Valparaiso, Chile, Cia, Constructora del Pacifico, Casi'lla 66, V. were eighteen days on the trip with the ship rolling and tossing m« I the way. They stopped at many ports where the tourists had a chat roam around the towns. She writes: "Christobel was the first stop a beginning of the Canal. It is on a narrow strip of land governed b i.


and could not buy. Lima was full Pizarro in 1500 is too impressive to arro s bones as he lay in his casket a bottle beside him The museum of of course, and the boys too enjoyed

of interest, ^ h e cathedral buux grasp with one visit W e viewed with his heart and birth certific Inea art was deeolv interesting it." aeepij interesting

Charlotte Ryan, '16-17, resigned as librarian of TirlL ibrary, to become chief of the extension d W t i o ^

