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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 26 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Alumni News Letter bran. UnWtrsi^ of Louisiana, talked o n "Library Schools a * d Fellow before the Library Association of Louisiana in April ,ips. • in tore m e i-iurary / \ s s o c i a u o n ot Loi Ruth E. H a m m o n d , B.L.S. '17, librarian o f the public library at Wick n Kan>, is presiucm ui the *xan»ii3 Library As i* president of m c Kansas i^iurary Association. i.t Evelyn J. H a r r i s o n , B.S. '33, is n o w head of the catalog A ~ ~ * ~ Woman's College Library, Duke University, Durham N c \ f t ^ librarian. Miss Harrison is also treasurer of theTNoVth C& V3o ^ a T i b S S the oVth ± « * « treasurer of a Association for 1937-38. Vivian Hedgecock, B S. '34, h W imr.»n oi m e N Wew Mexico Normal versity, Las Vegas, N. Mex., h a s organized a ~* "' normal one week. Hel Helen Hefling 1st sem. 1936-37, technical adviser, National Library Heti n g Bindery L o , Cleveland, O., assisted in the production of the film, "Steps in Bookbinding which w a s made under the auspices of the Bookbinding Institute and t h e School of Library Science Western Reserve University n u V library schools or other groups interested in the processes of 1 okbinding. Margaret rental basis for miuee oi m e Louisiana M a t e Library Association. James J. Hill, B.S. '29, assistant librarian, University of Oklahoma Library, Normal, Okla., as president of the Oklahoma Library Association, opened the meeting of t h e Thirtieth Anniversary of the founding of the association at t h e ballroom of the Aldridge Hotel, Shawnee, October 28. Sylva H u n t , S.S. '37, librarian of the Champaign Junior High School, Jave a paper at the Illinois High School Conference in November on "Interesting Facts About t h e Position of School Librarians in Illinois as Found [in the Library R e p o r t s Sent into t h e High School Visitor's Office.'' Icko Iben, B.S. '28, M.A. '29, librarian, Oklahoma A. & M. College Library, Stillwater, spoke on "Library Resources of the State" at the thirtieth Anniversary of t h e founding of the Oklahoma Library Association at Shawnee, O c t o b e r 28. 1 Donald W . Kohlstedt, B.S. '30, M.A. '35, librarian Kansas City, Kans ublic Library. T h e Wilson Bulletin for March, 1938, carried a picture of Dnald W . Kohlstedt, librarian, seated at the microphone during a broadest of his "Questionnaire of the Air" over W L B F . , Clarice E . Krieg, B.S. '33, M.A. '35, is chairman of the Junior Members, ^tate Library Association of Iowa, 1937-38. Anne F r a s e r Leidendeker, B.L.S. '08, department librarian, science and industry department, Los Angeles Public Library. Her name appears as ibrary consultant on t h e page ;<Editors and ^ " f t ^ feritannica yearbook. She is president this year of the California Library Association. , _ .. %++^A nx . Olive Lewis, B.S. '29, classifier at the ^ ^ J ^ ^ ^ ^ cast T>I piano rectital«* r>i~*t,ii« R T S '00. on f » W t h e*M a t e Tl e a t h e ir V a from WBAA, Purdue, librarian of » parhe « i s Florence Beck McGtachhn, B X £ ^ u College Library at Conway, Ark., u ^ Association. c l 9 broad ° / of the Arkansas Library
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