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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 19 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Sources of this amount: Reported 1932 1932-33 From Life memberships and special contributions, augmented by authorized transfer of $596.00 from the general treasury in 1927 $4,993.50 Interest 1927-32 996.50 % . $5,990.30 # Deduct first scholarship paid University 1933 Total ai $5m e n l^J $6#2i2 $6,522.52 $ 300.00 532.22 $832.22 $ 300.00 Total resources $6,522.52 The 1932 report was made as of April 19, there has been a net increase during the seventeen months of $532.22 in the hands of the Trustees. JOHN S. CLEAVINGER, September 28, 1933. For the trustees. ADAH PATTON MEMORIAL Generous gifts from the Patton family have made possible the permanent organization of the Adah Patton Memorial Fund Board, much sooner than could have been done otherwise. The Board consists of the following members: P. L. Windsor, Ethel Bond, Frances Simpson, A. H. Trotier, Eleanor M. Robertson. The Fund, at the present time, amounts to $1,310. It is the desire of the Board to increase this to at least $3,000 within the next two or three years. ALUMNI A N D T H E N E W D E A L In a good many states CWA and CWS funds have been made available for library service. The School has sent lists of unemployed alumni to the officials in charge of this work in the various states and many least employment. PROFESSIONAL A C T I V I T I E S O F A L U M N I T *«?r '?f P«nted in the next News to K meeting, if you have been elected n Hbrarv or d v " ^ r ^ T l ! association, if you have taken part in any lmrary or civic movement, be sure and send in a notice. T H E NEWS L E T T E R ! Y E S ? OR NO ? Let™* h ^ W c T . l y want a News C S decidin V te A VOte i n fa purpose unless t is h, ,t !, * " K * , °, ™ r is of little «ES • ** backed up by a check for annual dues. With over 1200 1 e BoTd f e d s T a t ^ L e t t S Y tfl * " t ^ *? ^ ™ Execute f r m the dues each year, and that the small e s e r v ^ ^ ¥ wfh ' " h ^ Ke e^ s o ° a b n loans to students should , n T A °^ ?t h , s ur useful in making . U has brought news o M I I ^ H , 1^ i ™ S ° ^ P Pose. If the Letter S ha that closely a part oTa nrofe^fo;, / rH!U P T^T ^d e s o m ^ are more hM deserves recogn tion T h u ^ f J ° ' ^ S e l% y o u ° " ^ h i n g which f for one dollar^ for annual 1 1 ^ " " ! \ f « " not d s e t t dcheck send o o jt S me ne they may be waiting Jn you " ° ° ALUMNI DISTRICT MEETINGS ecutivc B nrJUft ?f .°ard at its last meeting decided to make an „ff promote more acquamtance among the alumni located in the same S t e S ° [4] 1 6 f0 r he a l u m n i to d e c i d e w h e t h e r the W f Space this section I v e ° ead a ha r er a . PfP t any f 1 1 wil1 b e
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