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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
IO4O 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. BOARD OF TRUSTEES [ J u l y 25 Josephine M. Dyniewicz, Instructor and Research Chemist D Y 4 500 , Instructor in Nutrition DY 4 500 G. J . Brebis, Instructor DY50 2 900 , Instructor DY50 3 200 I. R. Callen, Instructor DY50 3 440 , Instructor DY50 2 500 R. G. Weiner, Instructor DY35 1 888 (From U S P H S HT300R) DYi 5 (800) (Total Salary) (2 688) 34. M . M . Chertack, Clinical Assistant (Salary under Health Service) 3 200 35. Mrs. Thomie Akamine, Research Assistant DY 36. Betty Lou Duke, Research Assistant DY 3 150 37. Tohru Inouye, Research Assistant DY70 3 43° (From USPH RG-1213-C2) DY30 (1 300) (Total Salary) (4 73°) 38. Mrs. M a r t h a Kofoed, Research Assistant DY 3 250 3 200 39. E . Maxine McArthur, Research Assistant DY — 2 000 40. Deduct unused amount, Item 15 29 248 41. Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries (168 796) Wages, General 5 4H Wages, Undergraduate Lectures 1 000 (6 414) Total, Wages (175 210) Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense 15 300 Convention Travel 75° 3 000 Equipment (19 050) Total, Expense and Equipment $194 260 Total, Medicine Cooperative Investigations Salaries and Wages U. S. P U B L I C H E A L T H SERVICE CT630 1. S. G. Taylor, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) (One year from April I, 1951) U. S. P U B L I C H E A L T H SERVICE RH-1213-C2 GY45 $ 3 000 2. Mrs. Marjorie D. Winans, Research Assistant (One year from July 1, 1951) A B B O T T LABORATORIES 50-24-80 GY GY AY75 AY60 DY40 3 000 2 930 10 13 (4 (17 3. Dolores M. Rix, Research Assistant Salaries and Wages N e u r o l o g y a n d N e u r o l o g i c a l S u r g e r y 1. Eric Oldberg, Professor and Head of Department 2. Percival Bailey, Distinguished Professor (From State Department of Public Welfare) (Total Salary) 3. G. B . Hassin, Professor, Emeritus (From Retiring Allowances) 4. R. P . Mackay, Professor of Neurology 5. P . C. Bucy, Professor 6. I. B . Diamond, Assistant Professor, Emeritus (From Retiring Allowances) 7. Oscar Sugar, Assistant Professor of Neurological S u r g e r y . . . 8. J. S. Garvin, Instructor in Neurology 9. .20 Part-time Assistants 10. Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages 300 75<\ 000) 750) (1 435) AY25 AY20 BY80 DY75 DY 2 450 1 850 (472) 5 280 3 300 900 26 850 (64 680) 3 525 (68 205)
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