Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I951] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 973 COLLEGE O F COMMERCE A N D BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Summary „ , . Salaries Wa &* $62 690 331 320 291 345 (685 355) Instruction Administration Business Organization and Operation Economics Sub-total Placement Bureau Revolving Sub-total (685 355) Organized Research Bureau of Economic and Business R e s e a r c h . . . . 67 660 Extension and Public Service Business Management Service ._ 44 460 Business Management Service Revolving Sub-total (44 460) Total, College of Commerce and Business Administration $797 475 Expendable Gift and E n d o w m e n t Funds Instruction (Endowment) Estimated new projects and renewals Organized Research (Gifts) Estimated new projects and renewals Sub-total United States Government Contracts and Indirect Costs Recovered Organized Research Estimated new projects and renewals Total, Trust Funds „ , . , „7 Salaries ana Wages T and Other Expense $30 000 Total 690 320 345 355) 500 (715 855) 86 460 57 960 3 500 ( 61 460) $863 775 $92 331 291 (715 500 (30 500) 18 800 13 500 3 5O0 (17 000) $66 300 $ 3 000 22 500 (25500) $12 500 (12500) $ 3 000 35 000 (38000) 3 000 $28500 1 200 $13 700 4 200 $42400 Administration , Dean 2. C. M. Thompson, Dean, Emeritus (Retiring allowance payable by Retirement System) 3. W. C. Robb, Assistant Dean (See Economics) (Total Salary) 4. H . A. Cutler, Assistant t o the Dean (See Economics) , (Total Salary) 5. L. O. Kerwood, Assistant t o the Dean 6. Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Convention Travel Equipment Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Administration BY D25 A75 DY60 1 DY40 1 DY $ 14 000 I 650 (4 950) (6 600) 3 600 (2 400) (6 OOO) 5 700 34 240 (59 190) 3 500 (62 690) 18 000 4 000 8 000 (30 000) $ 92 690 ceipt: Commerce Student P l a c e m e n t Revolving (Entire budget from receipts) Expense and Equipment 500 $ Expense Total, Commerce Student Placement Revolving $ 500 'Includes half-time teaching and half-time administration during the academic year and full-time administration during the summer.