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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i95i] STATION UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 939 4.0 000 600 8 000 1 000 (49 600) (99 000) $(147 175) ? (210 520) $ 357 695 Expense Convention Travel Equipment Contingent Total, Station Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Dairy Science, College Total, Dairy Science, Station Total, Dairy Science Illinois Dairy Products Sanitation Revolving ( E n t i r e budget from receipts) Salaries and Wages 1. P. P. Somers, Assistant Professor, Dairying Research... S-DY $ 5 375 2. L. E. Gage, Assistant, Dairying Research S-DY 2 930 Total, Salaries (8 305) Wages 1 000 Total, Salaries and Wages (9 305) Expense and Equipment Expense 9 500 Equipment 500 Total, Expense and Equipment (10 000) Total, Illinois Dairy Products Sanitation Revolving... $ 19 305 Official T e s t Revolving ( E n t i r e b u d g e t from receipts) Salaries and Wages 1. Nonacademic Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Equipment Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Dairy Official Test Revolving Salaries and Wages F o o d Technology 1. L. B. Howard, Professor and Head of Department (See Administration) (Total Salary) 2. P. H. Tracy, Professor, Dairy Technology (See Dairy Creamery) (Total Salary) (On leave with pay from March 1 to August 31, 1952) 3. E. O. Herreid, Professor, Dairy Technology (Total Salary) $ 22 320 1 640 (23 960) 11 700 350 (12 050) ? 36 010 { S-AY25 S-BY50 < SI^YTO C-AY25 (c_AY/40 < S-AY60 3 500 (7 000) (14 000) 4 87s (2 400) (9 7<») 1 280 4 920 (8 200) 6 080 (7 600) I 750 (5 250) (7 000) % 800 3 800 (7 600) % 800 1 800 (7 600) 4. S. L. Tuckey, Associate Professor, Dairy Technology.. .< s_AY8o (Total Salary) 5. R . M . W h i t n e y , Associate Professor, Dairy Technology.. C-AY25 (See Research and Marketing Fund) S-AY75 (Total Salary) fC-AYw 6. Z. J. Ordal, Associate Professor, Food Microbiology i. s_AYso (Total Salary) fC AY so 7- A. I. Nelson, Associate Professor, Food Processing i g_AY«> (Total Salary)
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