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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
195 J ] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 843 4. MARGARET H. KEENEY, Clinical Director and Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy, College of Medicine, beginning September 1, 1951, at an annual salary of $5,000 (DY). 5. FREDERIC MEYERS, Associate Professor of Labor and Industrial Relations, beginning September I, 1951, at an annual salary of $6,300 (DY). 6. GENEVA E. MILLER, Assistant to Coordinator of Nursing Education, with rank of Assistant Professor, beginning June 1, 1951, at an annual salary of $5,100 (DY). 7. JAMES THOMAS MOORE, JR., Assistant Professor of Education, beginning September 1, 1951, at an annual salary of $4,500 ( B ) . 8. JOHN HOWARD PAZUR, Assistant Professor of Biological Chemistry, College of Medicine, beginning September 1, 1951, at an annual salary of $4,500 (B). 9. MAX STONE PETERS, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, beginning September 1, 1951, at an annual salary of $4,800 ( B ) . 10. HJALMAR ROSEN, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, beginning September 1, 1951, at an annual salary of $4,900 (BY). 11. CHARLES KENNETH WHITEHAIR, Associate Professor of Veterinary Physi- ology and Pharmacology, College of Veterinary Medicine and Agricultural Experiment Station, beginning February 1, 1952, at an annual salary of $6,700 (AY). On motion of Mr. Johnston, these appointments were confirmed. DIRECTORSHIP O F T H E SMALL HOMES C O U N C I L (3) Professor William H. Scheick of the Department of Architecture and Director of the Small Homes Council has submitted his resignation effective September 1, 1951. He has been on leave of absence without pay since September I, 1949, serving as Director of the Building Research Advisory Board of the National Research Council. He was released by the University for this service for the year 1949-1950 during which he organized the Building Research Advisory Board and initiated research projects. At the urgent request of the National Research Council, he was given leave of absence for another year. Now the officers of the Council and of the National Academy of Sciences have asked him to continue in this assignment indefinitely, and he has decided to stay with the Board. I have accepted his resignation and request confirmation of my action. I recommend also that Professor James T. Lendrum of the Department of Architecture and Associate Director of the Small Homes Council, who has been serving as Acting Director during Professor Scheick's absence, be appointed Director effective September 1, 1951, at a salary of $9,000 a year (Y basis). On motion of Mr. Nickell, the action of the President was confirmed and the appointment of Professor Lendrum was approved. SCHOLARSHIPS I N LAW (4) The Dean of the College of Law recommends that there be established ten scholarships at $250 each plus exemption from tuition, to be made available each year to beginning law students selected on the basis of scholarship and promise of achievement and renewable as the holders progress through the years of their attendance. The renewal in each case would be conditioned upon the student having made (1) at least a B average in his first year to be eligible for a scholarship in his second year and (2) at least a B average in his law work for two years to be eligible for a scholarship in his third year. These scholarships will be awarded by a committee of the faculty of the College of Law. Provision for the scholarships has been made in the budget for I95I-I9S2. I concur. This proposal was referred to the Committee on General Policy for consideration and advice. UNIVERSITY CIVIL SERVICE SYSTEM O F ILLINOIS (5) The Sixty-seventh General Assembly has passed and the Governor has approved a bill for an Act which creates a classified civil service system to be known as the "University Civil Service System of Illinois," the purpose of which is to
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