Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i9Si] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS 713 (22) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed for the period from April 1 to 30, 1951. Amount to be With Whom United States Navy Veterans Administration The Welding Research Council Middle West Soil Improvement Committee Illinois Farm Supply Company Purpose Study of drowning and artificial respiration Books, supplies, and equipment for veterans at Chicago Professional Colleges—June 19, 1950, to June 23. i9Si Study of steel plate subjected to loads causing biaxial stress Study of fertility levels in Illinois as revealed by soil tests Study of trace elements in soils and crops and their effects on the yield and composition of crops Paid to the University Rates per contract 15 000 00 $12 000 00 Date January 1, 1951 June 19, 1950 April 4, 1951 May 3, 1951 May 3, 1951 annually for three years 2 000 00 1 200 00 Contract Changes With Whom Texas Gulf Sulphur Company United States Air Force United States Air Force United States Air Force United States Navy Abbott Laboratories, Eli Lilly and Company, and the Upjohn Company Moorman Manufacturing Company Charles Pfizer and Company, Inc. Purpose Study of sulphur combustion W 33 — 038 ac — 20779 Amount to be Paid to the University $ 1 500 00 7 112 6 2 10 000 00 Date March 14, 1951 January 12, 1951 February 22, 1951 February 8, 1951 Additional services and reports on W 33 — 038 ac — 14520 Additional services and reports on AF 33(038) — 10897 Task order N 6ori — 07131 Study of chemistry of antibiotics Study of poultry nutrition Study of vitamins in swine nutrition 3 000 00 25 000 0 0 November 30, 1950 April 20, 1951 1 200 00 1 500 00 May i, 1951 March 30, 1951 Adjustments Made in Authorisations Issued Under Cost-Pius Standing Contracts With Whom Anderson Electric E. N. DeAtley Purpose Noyes Laboratory remodeling renovation and modernization Noyes Laboratory remodeling renovation and modernization Changes in administrative offices 708 S. Mathews Avenue remodeling . Sub-total Noyes Laboratory remodeling renovation and modernization Changes in administrative offices Illini Hall third floor remodeling 708 S. Mathews Avenue remodeling Talbot Laboratory remodeling 1005 W. Nevada Street remodeling Sub-total Special state appropriations—East Chemistry building equipment Noyes Laboratory remodeling rooms 151 and 154 Sub-total 708 S. Mathews Avenue remodeling Illini Hall third floor remodeling Sub-total Amount $2 546 17 4 927 10 273 2 675 (7 329 3 276 166 615 I 435 33 258 (1 591 75 (82 450 238 (688 661 36 80) 45 54l 00 50 201 86' 90) 441 711) 00 30 30) Date April 5, 1951 April 5, 1951 April 6, 1951 April 17, 1951 April 5, 1951 March 29, 1951 April i i , 1951 April 17, 1951 April 23, 1951 April 23, 1951 April 3, 1951 April 2, 1951 February 21, 1951 April 11, 1951 E. M. Hays Plumbing and Heating Company Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company Schroeder' 7 27l Square Deal Electric This report was received for record. 1 Deduct.