Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
708 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 18 ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR EXTENSION O F UTILITIES DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM AT THE CHICAGO PROFESSIONAL COLLEGES (14) The Board of Trustees has authorized Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation, builder of the Medical Center Steam Company steam plant, to construct tunnels and extensions of steam lines from the plant to existing buildings, including the necessary connections and changes within buildings, at an estimated cost of $73,808, to be paid for from funds available in a state appropriation for utilities extensions and remodeling at the Chicago Professional Colleges. Stone and Webster have encountered unforeseen difficulties on University property in the relocation of certain sewers and other utilities. The original estimate of the cost of the work was based on drawings turned over to the University by the Department of Public Welfare which were the only drawings in existence showing locations of sewers and utility lines. In proceeding with the work, Stone and Webster found that the sewers and utilities were not located as shown in the drawings. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend that an additional payment of $13,000 to Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation be authorized for the extra work required. The contract with this corporation is not for a fixed price but is on a cost plus fee basis, the same as the contract for the construction of the steam plant and is subject to the same accounting principles. Funds are available in the state appropriation for "Construction of Utility Distribution System and remodeling of existing buildings." I concur and recommend that the Comptroller be authorized to execute the necessary change order. On motion of Mr. Johnston, authority was given as recommended. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR EXTENSION OF G O O D W I N AVENUE (15) The University has a contract with the General Paving Company for the construction of an extension of Goodwin Avenue from Gregory Drive south to Pennsylvania Avenue. Storm drainage conditions at the intersection of Goodwin and Pennsylvania Avenues are unsatisfactory because of a heavily overloaded sewer extending east along Pennsylvania Avenue. It is desirable to divert drainage from this area to a new sewer on Peabody Drive about three hundred feet north. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend an increase of $3,000 in the contract with the General Paving Company for the construction of a twelve-inch sewer from the intersection of Goodwin Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenue along the west side of Goodwin Avenue to the new sewer. The work can be economically done by the General Paving Company since it is now constructing sewers and pavements in that area. The Company's estimate has been checked by the Physical Plant Department and it is considered satisfactory. Funds are available in the state appropriation for "Construction of extensions to the Utility Distribution Systems." I recommend that the Comptroller be authorized to execute this addition to the contract. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, authority was given as recommended. AGREEMENT W I T H TEXAS OIL COMPANY (16) The University of Illinois has title to land deeded to it in Saline County, described as the "South fifteen (15) acres of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter (NE^i of NWJ4) of Section twenty-two (22), Township eight (8) South, Range six (6) East, Saline County, Illinois," for use as an experimental field. In case the University ceases to use this property for experimental purposes the title reverts to the school district in that area. The Texas Oil Company which has oil and gas leases on all surrounding lands has requested the University to execute a nondevelopment agreement for their mutual protection. The Company proposes to pay the University $250 plus an annual rental of $15 on condition that the University will not execute any oil or gas leases on the experimental field and will not allow any drilling for oil or gas. The Company further agrees to include in the agreement a clause which will