Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1951 ] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 659 This is part of a program of improvements for which the Board made a special appropriation on January 23, 1951, and funds are available. The lowest bid is well below the estimate of the cost of this phase of the work. I concur and recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute this contract. On motion of Mr. Herrick, this contract was authorized as recommended. CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DRIVE, WALKS, AND PARKING AREA ON S O U T H CAMPUS (20) The recommendation for Special Appropriations for Nonrecurring Expenditures includes an item for the construction of (a) extension of Taft Drive, (b) a minor service road, (c) sidewalks, (d) lawn drainage outlets, and (e) a parking lot in the vicinity of Mumford Hall and the new Veterinary Medicine Building. The following bids have been received on the first four of these items: General Paving Company, Champaign $15 600 Champaign Asphalt Company 16 560 John Felmley Company, Bloomington 18 000 Bids were previously taken on the construction of a larger parking lot in the same area, to accommodate approximately 240 cars; this is not being recommended because of the cost involved. The General Paving Company, lowest bidder on projects (a) to (d) listed above, was also lowest bidder on the construction of the larger parking lot and it has offered to construct the smaller lot for 78 cars at a cost of $10,380. The Physical Plant Department considers this a satisfactory estimate. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend the award of a contract of $15,600 to the General Paving Company for the work on items (a) to (d) and a contract for $10,380 for construction of a 78-car parking lot with an asphaltic surface. I concur and recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute these contracts. On motion of Mrs. Holt, these contracts were authorized as recommended. ADDITION TO GENERAL CONTRACT FOR REMODELING OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH LABORATORY (21) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend an addition of $11,330 to the contract with the John Felmley Company for the general work of remodeling the Physical Plant Service Building, now known as the Engineering Research Laboratory, to complete the fourth floor. This area was not included in the original contract in order to keep down the cost of the remodeling. The additional space which will be made available is urgently needed for research projects. Funds are available in a special appropriation made by the Board of Trustees on February 15, 1951, for this project. I concur and request that the Comptroller be authorized to execute this contract addition. On motion of Mr. Grange, authority was given as recommended. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF POWER PLANT CHIMNEY (22) The University has a contract with the Custodis Construction Company, Inc. of Chicago for (a) the construction of a brick chimney for the Abbott Power Plant and (b) inspecting the present concrete chimney and making recommendations for repairing it. The new chimney will supplement, not replace, the present stack as a second chimney is needed to service the addition to the Power Plant. The Custodis Construction Company, Inc. in its report on rehabilitation of the present concrete stack recommends, as the best solution, replacing it with a new all-brick stack. It is estimated that this would cost $60,000. In the opinion of