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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

i951] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 64I The State Department of Aeronautics has set aside $45,000 and the Board of Trustees (Minutes, October 26, 1950, page 434) appropriated $47,500 of which $45,000 was for the University's share of the project. The improvements will include resurfacing of the entrance road, drainage improvements, parking areas, resurfacing roads to airplane hangars, sewage disposal plant, and utility extensions and connections. The University must execute a C.A.A. Project Application to secure the funds from the federal government. To secure funds from the State Department of Aeronautics, the University must also execute an "Agency and Participation Agreement" which will provide: (1) That the University will authorize the State Department of Aeronautics to act as its agent in preparing plans, advertising for bids, receive bids, and supervise and conduct the letting and award of contracts upon the specific written authorization, direction, and approval of the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall be the contractual party to such contracts. (2) T h a t the University deposit in the State Treasury funds received from the federal government, such funds to be disbursed upon certification by the State Department of Aeronautics with the approval of the University. The appropriation from University funds will be disbursed by the University upon vouchers certified by the State Department of Aeronautics. The Director of the Institute of Aviation and the Comptroller recommend the execution of the Project Application and the Agency and Participation Agreement. I concur and recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute these documents and any other supporting documents which may be necessary. . On motion of Mr. Hickman, authority was granted as recommended; Mr. Johnston asked to be recorded as voting "no." WILLIAM LAMONT ABBOTT Mr. Johnston offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois records with sorrow the passing on February 20, 1951, of William Lamont Abbott, a former member and President of this Board. Mr. Abbott graduated from the University of Illinois in 1884 and received the professional degree of Mechanical Engineer in 1904. He was ninety years old when he died. In his long and distinguished career as an engineer, he devoted many years of service to his Alma Mater. He was one of the University's great friends, a loyal alumnus in the finest meaning of the word loyal. He was President of the Alumni Association from 1892 to 1893. He served as a member of the Board of Trustees continuously from 1905 to 1923 and during fourteen of those years, 1907-1919, and 1921-1923, he was President of the Board. Following retirement from the Board he organized the Utilities Research Commission and was instrumental in securing substantial grants of funds from industries for research projects of the University of Illinois Engineering Experiment Station. Even after he retired from professional work and from his position as Chief Operating Engineer of the Commonwealth Edison Company in Chicago, Mr. Abbott maintained an active interest in the University, serving in various advisory capacities. He was always available for counsel. When the University constructed a new power plant, it was appropriately named for him in recognition of accomplishments in his special field of engineering and of his services to the University. His tenure of service on the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois covered the years of the administration of the late President Edmund Janes James, during which t h e University achieved national and world prominence. Much of this was due t o the statesmanship of Mr. Abbott as President of the Board in supporting the plans and policies of the President of the University and in securing support for them from the state. The Board of Trustees directs that this tribute be incorporated in the minutes pf today's meeting to become a part of the official public record and that a copy oe sent to-the members of Mr. Abbott's family as an expression of appreciation and of sympathy. This resolution was adopted.
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