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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
576 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 15 HENRY PETER MESSINGER, B.S., Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1943; M.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1946 H U N G S H I H W U , B.S., National Central University, 1942; M.S., University of Michigan, 1946 In English CONSTANCE NICHOLAS, A.B., Carthage College, 1935; A.M., 1936 In Entomology 1941; M.S., MURRAY IRVING COOPER, B.S., Cornell University, 1947; M.S., 1949 E D W I N WALLACE K I N G , J R . , B.S., University of Massachusetts, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1947 SIEGFRIED E R I C L I E N K , B.S., University of Idaho, 1942; M.S., 1947 In History GILBERT CHARLES KOHLENBERG, A.B., Shurtleff College, 1940; A.M., Washington University, 1942 LOSAINE BEATRICE PABST, B.S., Eastern Illinois State College, 1945; A.M., 1948 ROBERT COPLIN P U G H , A.B., E u r e k a College, 1940; A.M., 1941 In Horticulture MAHMOUD ABDEL RAOUF TAYEL, B.S., F o u a d I University, 1938; M.S., 1949 In Mechanical Engineering GANPAT JAIWANTRAO KAMAT, B.S., University of Calcutta, 1943; B.Eng., University of Bombay, 1946; M.S., 1949 In Metallurgical Engineering STANLEY LYALL CHANNON, B.Met.E., University of Melbourne, 1944; M.S., University of Utah, 1948 In Physico-Chemical Biology HARRY CHARLES EHRMANTRAUT, B.S., George Washington University, 1947; M.S., Georgetown University, 1948 In Physics LAWRENCE H E R M A N LANZL, B.S., Northwestern University, 1943; M.S., 1947 RICHARD E D W I N NORBERG, A.B., D e P a u w University, 1943; A.M., 1947 ALBERT JACKSON SAUR, B.S., Michigan State College, 1944; M.S., 1947 MERRILL BLOOD SCOTT, B.S., M.S., 1946, 1949 CHARLES JOEL TAYLOR, J R . , B.S., M.S., 1940, 1947 In In Theoretical Psychology and Applied Mechanics ANTHONY ROBERT H Y B L , B.S., M.S., 1946, 1948 CEVDET A L I ERZEN, B.S., M.S., 1941, 1942 ALANSON DALE TOPPING, B.S., Purdue University, 1940; M.S., Missouri School of Mines, 1947 D e g r e e of D o c t o r of E d u c a t i o n VERNON LOYAL REPLOGLE, B.S., M.S., 1929, 1934 Professional Degrees Degree of Master of Education KENNETH WILBUR ALLEN, B.Ed., Illinois State Normal University, 1937; M.S., 1946 W I L L I A M DAVID MASTERS, B.S., M.S., 1939, 1949 R U T H M A R I E PETERS, B.S., M.S., 1943, 1947 Degree of Master of Social Work W A L T E R ROWLAND DELAMARTER, A.B., Greenville College, 1948 ZELMA JUSTUS JOHNSON, B.S., Bradley University, 1930; A.M., Columbia University, 1936
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