UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 457]

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[February 15

114. Pope Foundation, Chicago, $10,000 for research on neuromuscular skeletal pathology, in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, under the direction of Dr. H . Worley Kendell. 115. Rockefeller Foundation, New York, $27,000 for research on epilepsy, in the Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. Frederic A. Gibbs. • 116. Therapeutic Research Foundation, Washington, D.C., $963.75 for research on the comparative toxicity of boric acid to tissues and bacteria and its germicidal effect in the presence of tears, in the Department of Bacteriology, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. Welton I. Taylor and Dr. Milan V. Novak. 117. American Cancer Society, Inc., New -York, $6,048 for research on changes in the connective tissue stroma of the cyclic organs of reproduction as influenced by hormones, in the Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. Hubert R. Catchpole. 118. American Heart Association, Inc., New York, N.Y., $5,250 for research on relation of pituitary and adrenal cortex to experimental renal hypertension, in the Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. George E. Wakerlin. ( T h e grant is payable in four installments, the first payment of $1,312.50 has been received.) 119. American Medical Association, $750 for continuation of research on resuscitation, in the Department of Clinical Science, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. Andrew C. Ivy. 120. American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, New York, $6,419.29 for research on physiological adjustments of human beings to rapid changes in environment, in the Department of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. Robert W . Keeton. i2i. Asthmatic Children's Aid, Chicago: a. $10,000 for research on studies in histochemistry and immunology, in the Department of Medicine, Allergy Unit, under the supervision of Dr. Ben Z. Rappaport, for one year beginning July 1, 1950. b. $2,760 for the services of a clinic nurse for one year from July 1, 1950. 122. Chicago Heart Association: a. $2,450 for research on growth of vascular grafts, in the Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. W a r r e n H . Cole. b. $5,000 for research on a study of experimental renal hypertension, in the Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. George E. Wakerlin, for one year beginning July 1, 1950. c. $75,000 for design, production, and installation of an exhibit on heart and circulation for the Museum of Science and Industry, in the Illustration Studios, under the supervision of Professor Thomas S. Jones. ( T h e first installment of $10,000 has been received.) 123. Drama Club of Evanston, $250 for continuation of a fellowship in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, College of Medicine. 124. Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, $1,400 for the continuation of a fellowship in the Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, for the Tumor Clinic in the Research and Educational Hospitals, under the supervision of Dr. Danely P. Slaughter, for one year beginning July 1, 1950. 125. Junior League of Chicago, Inc., Chicago, $5,000 in continued support of the Consultation Clinic for Epilepsy in the Research and Educational Hospitals. 126. Life Insurance Medical Research Fund, New York, N.Y., $500 for laboratory expenses in connection with research in the Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. George E. Wakerlin. 127. Women's Auxiliary of the College of Medicine, $15 to be added to the Occupational Therapy Gift Fund, in the Research and Educational Hospitals. 128. United States Public Health Service: a. $10,040.44 for continuation of research on cause of gastric cancer, in the Department of Clinical Science, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. Andrew C, Ivy, for one year beginning April 1, 1950 ( N o . C-317-C-3). b. $5,825.41 for research on susceptibilty of monkey's stomach to heat and condiments, in the Department of Clinical Science, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. Andrew C. Ivy ( N o . C-737-C).