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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

548 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 15 15. John Morse Memorial Foundation, Chicago, $3,000 for six scholarships ($500 each) in mechanical and electrical engineering. 16. Old Ben Coal Company, $1,100 for scholarships in mining engineering. 17. Panhellenic Council, University student organization, $170.85 for scholarships. 18. Mrs. Kittie B. Pierce, La Grange, Illinois, $500 for the continuation of the Phyllis Pierce Ruettinger Scholarship in memory of her late daughter. ( T h e amount received to date is $5,100.) 19. Ruhm Phosphate and Chemical Company, Chicago, $1,000 for the Dr. Cyril G. Hopkins Agricultural Scholarship to be awarded to the winner of the essay contest on Soil Building in Soil Conservation for 1950-1951. 20. Sears-Roebuck Foundation, Chicago: a. $2,876.50 for scholarships in the College of Agriculture. b. $800 for scholarships for freshman girls in home economics. 21. Sinai Temple Congregation of Champaign-Urbana, $50 for a scholarship in the School of Music. 22. Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill, Chicago, $1,000 for two scholarships in architecture to be awarded to seniors in the Department of Architecture. 23. University of Illinois Foundation, Illini Achievement Fund, $9,496 for Illini W a r Memorial Scholarships. 24. The Borden Company, New York, N.Y., $400 to Professor Gottfried S. Fraenkel, Department of Entomology, to cover expenses for the processing of a large quantity of.whey for the isolation of vitamin B T . 25. Champaign-Urbana Kiwanis Club and Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority in Champaign-Urbana, $168.15 to add to funds to aid Dr. Severina E. Nelson, Professor of Speech and Director of the Speech Clinic, in her work with children suffering from cerebral palsy. 26. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., $1,000 for expenses of printing and binding Cleavage Fractures of Ship Plates by Professor Emeritus Wilbur M. Wilson of the Engineering Experiment Station and his associates, Messrs. R. S. Hechtman and W. H . Bruckner. 27. The Payne Fund, New York, N.Y., $1,750 for national awards by the Institute of Communications Research for distinguished radio writing and to secure participation of distinguished radio men in seminars at the time the prize scripts are presented. 28. United Spanish American W a r Veterans, Department of Illinois Auxiliary, $50 for a prize to be awarded to the woman student who has the highest scholastic standing in her first year of work in home economics. 29. University Club of Decatur, $20 to be added to the Woman's League Needy Students Fund. Total, Undergraduate Scholarships, Prises, and Other Financial Aids $36,358.25 B. Funds for Graduate Fellowships, Scholarships, and Research 30. Allied Chemical and Dye Corporation, New York, N.Y., $2,400 for the renewal of two fellowships in chemistry ($1,200 each), for the academic year I950-I95I. 31. American Cyanamid Company, Bound Brook, New Jersey, $3,000 for the renewal of a postdoctoral fellowship in chemistry for the academic year 1950-1951. 32. Cincinnati Chemical Works, Inc., Norwood, Ohio, $2,000 for the renewal of a fellowship in chemistry for the academic years 1949-1950 and 1950-1951. 33. The Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan, $1,500 for a fellowship in chemistry, under the direction of Professor Edward W. Comings, for the academic year 1950-1951. 34. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Wilmington, Delaware: a. $8,400 for fellowships in chemistry and chemical engineering. (This report covers grants for a three-year period. T h e fellowship stipend is $1,800 a year and $1,000 a year is added for expenses of the research work done under the fellowship. ) b. $4,500 for a postdoctoral fellowship in chemistry for 1950-1951 ($3,000 for stipend and $1,500 to cover expenses of research w o r k ) . c. Grant in support of fundamental research in chemistry during 1950-195 !> $10,000.
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