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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
546 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 15 CHANGES IN CONTRACTS A N D A D D I T I O N A L APPROPRIATION FOR REMODELING O F PHYSICAL PLANT SERVICE B U I L D I N G (28) The Board of Trustees has authorized the remodeling of the Physical Plant Service Building (the boiler house section of the old power plant) to convert this space into quarters for research use. Funds were appropriated and contracts for remodeling have been awarded. The remodeling contracts do not include completion of the fourth floor, this having been eliminated in order to reduce the cost of the project. It is now clear that the entire fourth floor area is needed so that the University can develop certain research projects in connection with the electronic digital computer, the program in physics of the solid state under the direction of Professor Frederick Seitz, and new government contracts. Space is also needed for the development of a control systems laboratory which may be one of the major contributions of the University to national security. Completion of the fourth floor will add approximately 3,500 square feet of space. The estimated cost of the additional construction, including installation of essential utilities, is $40,000. I recommend that the Board authorize changes in present contracts to provide for this additional work and that an appropriation of $40,000 be made for this purpose. O n motion of M r . Livingston, changes in contracts for this remodeling were authorized a n d an appropriation of $40,000 w a s m a d e from the General Reserve F u n d , as recommended, by t h e following vote: Aye, M r . Herrick, M r . Hickman, M r . Livingston, M r . McLaughlin, M r s . W a t k i n s , M r . Williamson; no, none; absent, M r . Fornof, M r s . Holt, Doctor Meyer, M r . Nickell, M r . Stevenson. SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR N O N R E C U R R I N G EXPENDITURES (29) The Committee on Nonrecurring Appropriations recommends assignments of funds as follows: 1. Remodeling and equipment, College of Agriculture $50 000 2. Modernization of switchboard in Room 211, Department of Ceramic Engineering 2 300 3. Installation of coat hooks, screens, partitions, and pin-up boards, Department of Art 2 600 4. Machine tools for shop, Division of Biological Sciences, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences 10 000 5. Equipment for photo-clerical project and moving audio-visual aids laboratory, University Library 5 470 6. Purchase and repair of instruments, University Bands, College of Fine and Applied Arts 8 500 7. Equipment for central stenographic service, Chicago Undergraduate Division 2 675 Total $81 545 I recommend that appropriations for these purposes be made from the General Reserve Fund. O n motion of M r . Hickman, these appropriations were made, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, M r . Herrick, M r . Hickman, M r . Livingston, M r . McLaughlin, M r s . W a t k i n s , M r . Williamson; no, none; absent, M r . Fornof, M r s . Holt, Doctor Meyer, M r . Nickell, M r . Stevenson. APPOINTMENTS TO T H E FACULTY (30) The following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. 1. GEORGE HENRY AGATE, Assistant Professor of Hygiene and Medical Adviser
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