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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I950] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 497 quested to secure an appraisal and submit a recommendation to the Board. SALE OF RESIDENCE PROPERTIES (24) Since 1947 the Board of Trustees has purchased a number of residences and has also constructed others for rental to members of t h e staff. This was done to meet an emergency situation. It was contemplated that t h e properties would be sold when housing conditions improved sufficiently. On recommendation of the Provost, the Comptroller, and the Director of the Physical Plant, I have approved t h e following procedure to govern such sales, each sale to be presented to the Board for prior approval. This plan does not apply to the Small Homes Council Staff Housing Research area at Florida Avenue and Race Street or t o houses located in areas of campus expansion. University of Illinois Procedure to Govern Sale of Residence Properties A. Sale t o Occupant Any occupant of a house which the University is willing to sell may submit a request to purchase. Such a sale will be made to him provided the price is not less than the purchase (or construction) cost of the property, plus capital improvements, special assessments, and costs of sale. (This provision will not apply to the six houses on Hessel Boulevard financed in part by federal funds. Special procedures will be required for these houses.) B. Sale t o Non-occupant Any house may be offered for sale whenever the staff member to whom it is assigned gives it up and no other assignment for it is pending; provided that before a property is offered for sale, the matter will be reported t o the Provost for review and approval. 1. An effort will be made to recover not less than the original purchase cost of the property plus capital improvements, assessments for local improvements, and expense of sale. 2. An informal appraisal by the University's real estate adviser will be secured. If this appraisal indicates t h a t comparable properties have advanced in value since this property was purchased, an effort will be made to secure a price conforming to the appraisal, but not less than cost. 3. Public notice of the desire of t h e University to sell the property will be given in the Official Notices and Weekly Calendar and the Mini Worker inviting sealed offers by a specified date for the purchase of the property, including terms of payment and other conditions. The University will reserve the right to reject all offers. On motion of Mr. Livingston, this procedure was authorized as recommended. REVISION O F W O R K M E N ' S C O M P E N S A T I O N ACT (25) The Illinois Workmen's Compensation Act in its present form includes as employees to whom the benefits of the Act are extended, the following provision with respect t o persons in the employ of the University of Illinois: "First — Every person in the service of the State, including all persons in the service of the University of Illinois on and after January 25, 1033 except members of the instructional, research, and administrative staffs thereof when not, a t the time of injury, actually engaged in an occupation declared to be extra-hazardous in Section Three (3) of this Act, . . . " The extra-hazardous occupations referred t o in this description are defined in the Act as follows: " 1 . T h e erection, maintaining, removing, remodeling, altering or demolishing of any structure, except as provided in sub-paragraph 8 of this section. " 2 . Construction, excavating or electrical work, except as provided in subparagraph 8 of this section. " 3 . Carriage by land, water or aerial service and loading or unloading in connection therewith, including t h e distribution of any commodity by horse-drawn or motor driven vehicle where the employer employs more than two employees in t h e enterprise or business, except as provided in sub-paragraph 8 of this section. "4. The operation of any warehouse or general or terminal storehouses. " 5 . Mining, surface mining or quarrying.
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