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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
444 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 26 Board has previously approved certain deputies to act for these officers. Because of changes in offices of the Comptroller and- of the Secretary of the Board, new designations are needed. The Secretary of the Board requests adoption of the following resolution: WHEREAS, under the rules of the Board of Trustees, orders for the purchase and sale of securities representing investments of endowment funds, addressed to the First National Bank of Chicago as safekeeping agent and investment counsel, are signed by the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board; and WHEREAS, it is desirable that deputies be appointed to act for these officers in emergency and during their absence; Therefore, be it resolved that A. J. Janata, Secretary of the Board of Trustees, is authorized to delegate to Everett G. Smith, Executive Clerk in the President's Office, and Maude Archdeacon, Chief Clerk in the Board of Trustees' Office, authority to sign his name to orders for the purchase and sale of securities as approved by this Board or by its committees acting under due authority; and that Lloyd Morey, Comptroller, is authorized to delegate to C. C. DeLong and H . O. Farber authority to sign his name to such orders under the same circumstances. On motion of Mr. Fornof, this resolution was adopted. SECRETARY'S REPORTS The Secretary presented for record the following lists: (1) appointments made by the President; (2) graduate fellows; (3) declinations, resignations, cancellations, and terminations; (4) leaves of absence; (5) degrees conferred in October, 1950. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY T H E PRESIDENT (The date in parenthesis is the date on which the appointment was made hy the President of the University. Part-time appointments are shown by fractions after the name of the department. C = College; S = Station; E = Extension.) ALLEN, HARRY R., Assistant Professor, Architecture (Undergraduate Division in Chicago), six months beginning September 1, 1950, $5000 a year (9-30-50). ANDERLIK, M R S . BARBARA C , Research Assistant, Chemistry (Graduate College), nine months beginning September 16, 1950, $2385 (9-28-50). ANDERSON, M R S . HOLLIS P., Acquisition Assistant, Library, September 20, 1950August 31, I9SI, $3000 a year (9-27-50). ARCHER, EDWARD J., Instructor, Social Sciences (Undergraduate Division in Chicago) ( 2 / 7 ) , five months beginning September I, 1950, $90 a month (9-28-50). AXELROD, AUDREY J„ Assistant, Clinical Speech (Otolaryngology) (Medicine), one year beginning September I, 1950, $2930 (9-28-50). BAMBERGER, ARRIE, Clinical Professor, Surgery (Medicine), indefinite tenure beginning September 1, 1950, without salary, supersedes (10-17-50). BEATTIE, JOHN W., Research Assistant, Radiology (Medicine), one year beginning September 1, 1950, $3600 (9-28-50). BESEMAN, CHARLES A., Research Assistant, Bureau of Research and Service, one year beginning September 1, 1950, $2800 (9-12-50). BICKNELL, FRANK J., Instructor, Pathology (Medicine) ( J 4 ) , seven months beginning September 1, 1950, $3000 a year (9-28-50). BOLLINGER, EDWARD H., Research Assistant, Chemical Engineering ( S ) , four months beginning October 1, 1950, $260 a month (10-11-50). BROMBERG, M R S . R U T H L., Instructor, Pediatrics, and Clinical Psychologist (Medicine) (yi), August 1, 1950-August 31, I9S 1 . $4000 a year (10-17-50). CHANG, P E H - I , Research Assistant, Entomology (Graduate College), one year beginning September 1, 1950, $2800 (9-28-50). DINKINES, FLORA, Instructor, Mathematics (Undergraduate Division in Chicago), five months beginning September 1, 1950, $380 a month (10-12-50). DOTSON, M R S . FRANCES §., Research Assistant, Bureau of Economic and Business Research (Commerce and Business Administration) (47/100), and (Mechanical Engineering) ( C ) (53A00), one year beginning September 1, 1950, $3200, supersedes (10-9-50).
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