Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
438 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 26 ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES ON REMODELING PHYSICAL PLANT SERVICE BUILDING (20) The Board of Trustees has authorized the remodeling of the Physical Plant Service Building (the old Boiler House) and approved a contract with Holabird and Root and Burgee, Architects, Chicago, for architectural services on a fee basis of 4j4 per cent of the estimated cost of the project for working drawings and specifications, or 6 per cent of the total cost for complete service if funds are available for the remodeling but not to exceed a maximum fee of $15,000 for all architectural services. The total cost of working drawings and specifications to date is $7,427.86. Some changes in them have been made during the course of their preparation as the result of changes in the contemplated use of the building and from recommendations relating to construction made by the Building Program Committee. The latter should result in a reduction in construction cost. The architects have offered to do the additional work on the basis of the actual cost to them, which is $9,835.58. This will increase the cost of architectural services on the project to $17,263.44. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend an addition of $2,263.44 to the previous maximum of $15,000 authorized for architectural services. Funds are available in the appropriation already made for the remodeling of the Physical Plant Service Building. I concur. On motion of Mr. McLaughlin, authority was given, as recommended. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR REMODELING OF PHYSICAL PLANT SERVICE BUILDING (21) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend an increase of $2,066 in the contract with the R. A. Bland Electric Company of Champaign for the electrical work on the remodeling of the Physical Plant Service Building. After the original contract was awarded by the Board of Trustees on May 19, 1950 (Minutes, page 1126), it was found that the built-in protection for the transformer was not adequate for the safety of workmen when servicing this equipment. It is proposed to install a separate disconnect switch and enclosure for terminals to eliminate the hazard of contact with live parts of the transformer. Funds are available in the appropriation for this remodeling. I concur and request that the Comptroller be authorized to execute this contract change. On motion of Mrs. Holt, authority was given, as recommended. ADDITIONS TO CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF T H E VETERINARY MEDICINE BUILDING (22) Prior to the securing of bids on the Veterinary Medicine Building there were several changes in the design of the building which made it possible to install the ventilating equipment in the penthouse instead of in Room 24 as originally planned. It was anticipated that Room 24 probably would be used as a laboratory but working out the details of this and other resulting changes was deferred in order not to delay the completion of the drawings and securing bids. Plans have now been completed for the use of this room and they will improve the facilities for research and diagnostic work. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend the following additions to existing contracts: General work — John Felmley Company, Bloomington $1 455 Heating and ventilating work — National Korectaire Company, Chicago... . 3 978 Funds are available. I concur and request that the Comptroller be authorized to execute these contract changes. On motion of Mr. Livingston, authority was given, as recommended.