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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
340 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [September 29 APPROPRIATION A N D A W A R D O F CONTRACTS FOR H U F F GYMNASIUM IMPROVEMENTS (10) The Committee on Nonrecurring Appropriations recommends an appropriation of $81,175 for improvements in the George Huff Gymnasium. Bids on this work have been secured. I recommend that this appropriation be made and that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute contracts with the lowest bidders as follows: General work — C. A. Petry & Sons, Champaign $48 470 Electrical work — Brunkow Electric Company, Champaign I 900 Plumbing and heating work — Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company, Champaign 8 838 Ventilation work — Schroeder's Ventilating Company, Champaign 2 320 Sub-total (61 528) Other expenditures to be made from this appropriation: Architectural and engineering services $ 4 300 Equipment 7 060 Installation of equipment 4 400 Moving of equipment, cleaning up of remodeled quarters, and contingencies 3 887 Sub-total ..(19 647) Total $81 175 The report from the Physical Plant Department, giving details of these improvements and schedules of all bids received, is submitted herewith. On .motion of Mr. Livingston, this appropriation was made and authority was given, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Livingston, Mr. Williamson; absent, Mr. McLaughlin. SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR N O N R E C U R R I N G EXPENDITURES (11) The Committee on Nonrecurring Appropriations recommends that an assignment of $12,800 be made from the General Reserve Fund for (1) remodeling in Bevier Hall, $9,500, and (2) purchase of furniture and equipment, $3,30O — both for the Department of Home Economics. I concur. The request for this assignment of funds has been carefully studied by the Committee on Nonrecurring Appropriations. The report of the Committee, giving details on this item, is submitted herewith. On motion of Mr. Livingston, these appropriations were made, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Livingston, Mr. Williamson; absent, Mr. McLaughlin. PURCHASES Purchases Authorized (12) The following purchases were authorized by the President's Office on the recommendations of the Director of Purchases and the Comptroller. Item 15,000 copies each of two dental charts in two colors 165 each ten contact relays 38,000 lbs. No. 1 halftone newsprint Creative textiles quality B-8 pattern V-53/A rugs as follows: two zi'TCzfz"; one u ' x i s ' i * ; one 6' x 78 ; three 6' x 19' Department Postgraduate Studies, Extension Division Electrical Engineering Research Alumni Association Mini Union Vendor Neely Printing Co., Inc., Chicago C. P. Clare Co., Chicago Duckett Paper Co., Champaign Carson Pirie Scott & Co., Chicago Cost $2 019 00 delivered 1 074 88 f.o.b. Chicago 2 979 20 f.o.b. Chicago 5 897 40 f.o.b. Urbana
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