UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1681]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wallman, W. A., degree, 811 Wallner, Florence, appointment, 328, 1170 Wallner, L, J., appointment, 359, 1187 Wallner, Mrs. Virginia, appointment, 328,


Waling, J. L., degree, 1534 fellowship, 679 Walker, A. O., appointment, 281 Walker, Mrs. Anne, appointment, 334, 1176 Walker, Mrs. Annie, appointment, 308, 1144 Walker, Mrs. Beverly R., appointment, 263 Walker, C. A., Jr., degree, 814 Walker, C. M., appointment, 299, 1135 Walker, Clareta, appointment, 109, 118, 943. 95i leave of absence, 406 cancellation, 336 Walker, D. E., degree, 1550 Walker, E. D., appointment, 99, 119. 933. 952 Walker, F. H., degree, 791 Walker, Freda F., appointment, 284, 1120 Walker, G., degree, 1399 Walker, H., & Sons, Inc., contract, 769 change, 1306 Walker, H. L., appointment, 130, 965 Walker, H. M., appointment, 1119 degree, 1568 Walker, J. A., degree, 820 Walker, J. F., fellowship, 1501 Walker, J. M., degree, 796 Walker, L. D., appointment, 128, 691, 96^, 1447 leave of absence, 1408 Walker, Mrs. Loretta K., appointment, 276,


Walls, B., appointment, 1190 Walls, Edna E., appointment, 108, 942 Wallskog, H. A., degree, 801 Walraven, H. D., appointment, 246, 1085 Walrus Manufacturing Co., purchase, 29, 501, 615, 766 Walser, H. J., degree, 791 Walsh, E. J., degree, 595 Walsh, Mrs. Evelyn N., appointment, 1116 Walsh, F. J., appointment, 356, 1185 Walsh, H. R., certificate, 1507 Walsh, J. R., appointment, 277, 1113 Walsh, Letitia, appointment, 145, 692, 982, 1447 Walsh, M. J., appointment, 1452 degree, 1534 fellowship, 1352 Walsh, M. R., degree, 811, 1542 Walsh, Mrs. Maryanne, appointment, 1159 Walsh, M. T., certificate, 489 Walsh, Mary J., appointment, 330, 1172 Walsh, Rose L., appointment, 307, 1141 Walsh, W. M., degree, 1284 Walsky, E. J., degree, 819 Walston, R. L. appointment, 142, 175, 978,


Walker, Louise F., appointment, 290 Walker, M. L., degree, 822 Walker, Mamie I., degree, 416 Walker, Marilyn J., appointment, 1119 Walker, Martha, appointment, 1099 Walker, Muriel B., degree, 1544 Walker, Richard, appointment, 306, 1142 Walker, Robert, appointment, 311, 1148 Walker, Robert D., degree, 418 Walker, Rolla D., degree, 799 Walker, R. H., degree, 791 Walker, R. W., degree, 416 Walker, W. J., degree, 1401 Walker, W. L„ degree, 587 Walker-Jimieson Co., purchase, 837, 13°5 Walko, Mrs. Ann, appointment, 334 Walkowiak, Theresa J., appointment, 1230 degree, 793 Wall, Alice .T., appointment, 286, 1122 Wall, F. T., appointment, 72. 905. " 9 3 , " 3 ° , 1529 Wallace, D. A., appointment, 547, 1053 Wallace, G., Jr., degree, 1559 Wallace, G. C , degree, 802 Wallace, G. I., appointment, 71, 689, 903 Wallace, H. D., degree, 42s Wallace, J. B., appointment, 153. 988 Wallace, K. R., appointment, 86, 512, 919, 1455 Wallace, Laurene A., fellowship, i486 Wallace, R. C , degree, 823 Wallace, R. G., degree, 819 Wallace, S., degree, 1565 Wallace, V. E., degree, 811 Wallbaum, Mrs. Martha A., appointment, 1127 Waller, Dorothy K., appointment, 276, n 12 Waller, F. O., appointment, 1277, 1478 Waller, G. R., appointment, 156, 175, 697.

- 9 9 0 , 1010, 1452

leave of absence, 684 Walston Aviation Service, purchase, 468, 837 Walter, C. R., Jr., appointment, 72 degree, 803 resignation, 405 Walter, D. C , degree, 830 Walter, K. D., degree, 809, 1557 Walter, L. M., appointment, 400, 531 Walter, Loretta W., degree, 409 Walter, W. N., degree, 590 Walters, A. H., degree, 1563 Walters, A. R., degree, 588 Walters, C. S„ appointment, 107, 940 leave of absence, 1407 Walters, Mabel L. H., degree, 590 Walters, S. E., degree, 815 Walters, V. F., appointment, 265, 1102 Walton, J. W., degree, 578 Waltz, J. E., Jr., degree, 577 Walworth, M. C , degree, 408 Walz, Jacqueline J., degree, 593 Walzer, J. F-, degree, 594 Wanamaker, Virginia, appointment, 1141 Wander Co., gift, 553 Wanderski, R. J., degree, 820 -_ Wang, Ping-chun, degree, 575 Wang, R. I. H., degree, 1569 fellowship, 402, 1315 Wang, Shou-Ling, degree, 1535 Wang, Tai K., degree, 830 Wangerow, R. D., degree, 1567 Wank, R. F., degree, 814 Wankel, R. A., appointment, 72 resignation, 405 Wanless, H. R., appointment, 74, 78, 694,

9 0 7 , 911

Waller, I. H., certificate, 1329 Waller, M„ degree, 792 Waller, N. E.. certificate, 1330 Wallerius, J. R., degree, 818 Walling, Mary L., appointment, 142, 400 resignation, 573 Wallingford, H. P., degree, 1533 fellowship, 678 Wallingford, Helen D., fellowship, 679 Wallis, S. F., degree, 1570

Wantland, R. A., degree, 1389 Wappel, F., degree, 1567 Wappel, L. W., degree, 784 Ward, A. F., certificate, 842 Ward, D. S., appointment, 147, 149 Ward, G. C„ degree, 823 Ward, G. G., Jr., degree, 1559 Ward, Gladys J., appointment, 109, 120, 942 Ward, J. H., Jr., degree, 425 Ward, L. A., degree, 803 Ward, P. T., degree, 1537 Ward, R. L., degree, 422