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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1774 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Utilities lines, Chicago, relocation, 657 Utley, Jean L., appointment, 207, 400 Utter, E. H., degree, 417 Utter, Mrs. Laura K., appointment, 301, 1138 Utter, R. E., degree, 598, 1548 Uttich, B. R., degree, 588 Uyttebrouck, G., degree, 822, 1536 Vabasalu, Maimu, degree, 1544 Vacations, nonacademic employees, 1432 policy, amendment, action deferred, 1517 proposed, 1516 Vaccaro, A. C , degree, 419 Vaccine, mumps, research, gift, 769, 1215 Vacco, Mrs. Ruth, appointment, 319, 1158 Vacketta, H. C , degree, 799 Vaclavek, G. J., degree, 585 Vacuum coating unit, Electrical Engineering, purchase, 837 Vacuum pump, Chemistry, purchase, 852 Vadder, Mrs. Helen, appointment, 320, 1159 Vahradian, C , degree, 1537 Vail, R. E., degree, 418 Vail-Ballou Press, Inc., purchase, 1495 Vaitulonis, Viola, degree, 592 Valach, J. S., degree, 1540 fellowship, 1352 Valaitis, J., appointment, 1351 ValDez, Mabel A., appointment, 210, 229 resignation, 879 Valenta, M. W., degree, 1552 Valentine, R. W., degree, 588 Valentine, S. J., degree, 1550 Valentine, S. M., appointment, 1095 Valentino, R. R., degree, 1567 Valerio, Camille F., degree, 1564 Valerius, M. R., degree, 1401 Valette, E. D., degree, 1394 Vallejo-Pradel, Elsa V., fellowship, 877 Valone, R. J., appointment, 358, 1187 Van Alyea, O. E., appointment, 359, 1187 Van Arsdell, P. M., appointment, 141, 691, 976, 1447 Van Bebber, Alice H., degree, 1560 Van Berschot, Nancy V., degree, 592 Van Buren, Florence, appointment, 309, 1145 Van Buskirk, Georgia L., appointment, 295, 1131 University High School, cont'd budget, iso, 285, 985, 1122 lire alarm evacuation signal system, contract, 344 fund for books, use, 34 gymnasium, asphalt tile floors, contract, 545 lighting system, improvements, appropriation, 521 space for deft palate training program, 472 University of Chicago, training of medical social workers, agreement, 1358 University of Illinois Band Association, gift, 551 University of Illinois-Cook County School of Nursing, faculty, appointment, 1306 University of Illinois Employees Union 698, letter, merit increases for nonacademic staff, referred to Committee on Nonacademic Personnel, 1332 University of Illinois Library School Association, gift, 1469 University of Tennessee Library, gift, 550, 1213 University Press, See Press. University Retirement System, See Retirement System. Unna, K. R. W., appointment, 209, 1045, 1478 Unruh, W. O., appointment, 1424 degree, 583 Unsell, Jo Ann E., degree, 1247 - Unterberg, W. J., degree, 804 Unti, E., degree, 1570 UpDike, Lillian, appointment, 320 UphofF, E. G., degree, 593 Upjohn Co., contract, 1495 change, 713, 769 gift, 5 4 9 , 5 5 3 , 1212, 1216, 1472 Upshaw, H. S., appointment, 324 Upstrom, K., contract, 1517 Uptegraff, R. E., Manufacturing Co., purchase, 526, 851 Upton, Mrs. Dolores J., appointment, 282 Upton, R. A., degree, 811 Uram, M. S., Jr., degree, 1559 Urata, Takeo, degree, 1559 Urbana, city of, agreement, improvement of Goodwin Avenue, 1303 maintenance of Lincoln Avenue storm sewer, 845 annexation of University property, 465 lease, 1464 storm sewers on University property, easements, 666 Urbana Park District, . expansion to include University property, approved, 1419 Urbancek, A. M., degree, 413 Urbanski, J. F., degree, 425 Ure, Florence Y., degree, 815 Urist, M„ appointment, 358, 1186 Urkov, M. S., degree, 1559 Urogastron, research, gift, 552 Urology, clinical faculty, 364, 1192 Urquhart, R. O., degree, 1399 Ursic, S. J., appointment, 45 leave of absence, 532 resignation, 646 Usher, Elinor A., degree, 1556 Usry, Edith M., appointment, 156, 990 leave of absence, 140S Utech, A. L., degree, 585 Utilities Distribution System, Chicago, extension, contract, 472, 708 release of funds, 338, 434 Urbana, extension, contract, 25, 345, 347, 370, 493, 494, 564, 609, 1495 engineering services, 437, 763 release of funds, 339, 367, 433, 519, 540, 705 Warner Construction Co. contracts, President's report, 615, 610 settlement, 1374 Van Buskirk, R. V., degree, 1563 Van Camp, J. C , Jr., appointment, 107, " 7 resignation, 1234 Vance, Betty J., degree, 1396 Vance, F. M., Jr., degree, 816 Vance, G. A., appointment, 201, 205, 1230 leave of absence, 647 Vance, Mrs. Mary A., appointment, 185,-1020 Vance, P. A., Jr., degree, 803, 1542 fellowship, 679, 1482, 1529 Vance, R. F., degree, 1533 Vance, R. S., degree, 1562 Vance, Valerie R„ degree, 1399 Van Cleave, H. J., appointment, 87, 921 leave of absence, 574 Van Dam, T. E., Jr., appointment, 400, 703, 1083, 1458 Vande Bunt, Carol J„ appointment, 237, 1077 Vandello, Mrs. Mary J., appointment, 295 VanDemark, N. L., appointment, 104, 937 Van Den Berg, J., fellowship, 1483 VanDenend, Mrs. Jane, appointment, 318 Van der Burch painting, gift, 529 Vanderhyden, Dorothy, appointment, 1163 VanderKloot, A., appointment, 353, 1181 Vanderkolk, W. W., appointment, 326, 1168 Vander Laan, C. A., appointment, 1181 Vanderwall, J. V., appointment, 272, 1108 Van de Steeg, J. Evelyn, appointment, 9 VandeSteeg, Joan M., degree, 808 Vandevender, W. H., degree, 1547 Vandiver, H. D., appointment, 261 Van Doren, C. A., appointment, 400 declination, 405 Van Duser, M., Jr., degree, 592
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