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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Turner, Mary P., appointment, 318, 1157 Turner, Maryellen, appointment, 1147 Turner, Nellie M., degree, 800 Turner, Richard M., degree, 422 Turner, Robert M., degree, 794 Turner, Mrs. Virginia, appointment, n 70 Turner, Wanda F., degree, 594 Tumey, Nancy A., degree, 817 Turnock, Mrs. Elizabeth, appointment, 267 Turquette, A. R., appointment, 81, 136, 914, 1453 Turquette, Mrs. Lucille L., appointment, 1130 Turyn, A., appointment, 73, 691, 906 leave of absence, 1408 Turyn, A. S. G., degree, 1398 Tushaus, J. P., degree, 1568 Tuthill, J. K., appointment, 126, 693, 960, 1448 Tuttle, Beatrice, degree, 413 Turtle, Claudean E., degree, 408 Tuttle, D. M., degree, 1385 Tuttle, G. P., appointment, 62, 512, 894 Tuttle, LaVerna, degree, 413 Tverberg, Margaret J., degree, 828 Twardock, Dorothy O., degree, 1390 Tweedell, K. S., appointment, 1230 Tweedell, Rosemary A., degree, 1564 Twenhafel, R. W., degree, 799 Twigg, W. W., degree, 1401 Twin City Equipment Co., purchase, 376 Twin City Federation of Labor, wage rates at Robert Allerton Park, objections, 1201 request, 443 Twin City Printing Co., purchase, 377, 853 Twist, Jane E., appointment, 400, 906, 1230 Twitchell, L. D., degree, 815 Twitchell, Mrs. Nadyne M., appointment, 301, Twitty, C. H., degree, 811 Twomey, G. M., degree, 584 Twomey, Mary S., degree, 817 Twomey, Verdene, appointment, 302 Tykociner, J. T., appointment, 126, 960 Tyler, Leona M., appointment, 1108 Tyler, M. C , degree, 589 Tyler, R. S., degree, 1548 Tylman, S. D., appointment, 217, 1053 leave of absence, 779 Tylutki, E. E., degree, 592 Tyner, E. H., appointment, 99, 932 Tyska, Theresa, appointment, 324, 1162 Tyssen, K. J., degree, 419 Uarco, Inc., purchase, 711 Udasin, H., degree, 1561 Udehn, C , degree, 1570 Udstuen, G. G., degree, 598 Ueberrhein, Priscilla J., degree, 1551 Uebler, J. R., degree, 421 Uehrke, Gladys, appointment, 324, n 63 Uhlemann Optical Co., purchase, 1521 Uhlenhop, H. L., Jr., degree, 1556 Uhlir, R. W., degree, 1550 Uhrhan, Evelyn E., degree, 45" Uhrik, R. L., degree, 1552 Uitto, W. W., degree, 1566 Ujiiye, G. I., degree, 802 Ulatowski, J. F., degree, 1540 Ulberg, R. J., degree, 1556 Ulbrich, L. F., degree, 1548 Ulbricht, R. E., degree, 1556 Ulie, Joan, appointment, 1142 Ullman, J. D., degree, 803 Ullmer, J. H., degree, 594 Ulloa, Margot, appointment, 219, 1055 Ullrey, D. E., appointment, 775 Ullrich. W . J., degree, 803 Ullrick, W . C , degree, 830 Ulm, E. S., Jr., degree, s»9 Ulrich, C , Jr., degree, 1567 Ulrich, G. A., degree, 453 Ulrich, R. E., degree, 816 1351 1773 Ultracentrifuge, appropriation, balance reap* propriated, 1197 purchase, 1416 Underhill, Ann L., degree, 1556 Underwood, D. C , certificate, 1292 Underwood, D. M., degree, 802 Underwood, G. F., degree, 1236 Underwood, Mrs. Gwyn M., appointment, 1103 Underwood, Lacy E., appointment, 304, 1140 Underwood, R. B., appointment, 215, 218, 1051, 1054 leave of absence, 733 Underwood Corp., purchase, 558 stock, sale, 834 Unfer, Edna, appointment, 1138 Unfer, L., appointment, 244, 512, 703, 1083, 1458 degree, 783 Ungar, V. R., degree, 1395 Unger, Harriet F., appointment, 1308 Unger, I. W., degree, 823 Unger, O. E., appointment, 301, 113 7 Unick, A. J., degree, 420 Uniforms, military, purchase, 344, 527, 767, 1263, 1495 Union Building, See Illini Union Building and Chicago Illini Union Building. United Cerebral Palsy Association, Inc., contract, 1327 gift, 1472 United Engineering Trustees, Inc., gift, 1470 United Spanish American War Veterans, Department of Illinois Auxiliary, gift, 548 United States Department of Agriculture, contract, 1207, 1327, 1521 United States Department of Labor, contract, change, 1208 United States Department of State, contract, 1264 request, services of T. E. Benner, and K. B. Henderson, 462 United States Electric Supply, purchase, 1344 United States Government, bonds, exchange, 568 purchase, 1291 sale, 568, 835. 1497 certificates of indebtedness, exchange, 1421 purchase, 1420 contracts, budget, 56, 194. 196, 889, 1029, 1031 378 Aeromedical and Physical Environment Laboratory, 225, 1062 Agriculture, 91, 924 Aviation, 1012 Chicago Professional Colleges, 197 Dentistry, 214, 1051 Education, 979 Engineering, 121, 954 Extension Division, 173, 1008 Graduate College, 135, 222, 970, 1059 Liberal Arts and Sciences, 70, 903 Medicine, 200, 1036 Physical Education, 138, 993 Small Homes Council, 180, 1015 Urbana-Champaign departments, 58 Veterinary Medicine, 997 research contracts, patent policy, 665 United States Industrial Chemicals Corp., contract, 1206 United States National Bureau of Standards, contract, 1327 United States Plywood Corp., purchase, 712 United States Public Health Service, gift, 550, 5S4. 1214, i « 7 , 1470, 1473 University Civil Service System of Illinois, established, S43 Merit Board, activities, report, 1503 University representatives, 844 University Extension, See Extension. University High School, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 38, 1197, 1198
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