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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1772 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Tucker, R. F., Jr., appointment, 1334 degree, 1246 Tucker, T. C , appointment, 775, 1230 Tucker, W. T. ( degree, 414 Tuckey, S. L., appointment, 106, 939 Tudor, W. J., degree, 802 Tufo, P. E., degree, 1577 Tuftee, A. O., degree, 827 Tuggle, J. D., degree, 1538 Tuggle, W., degree, 1388 Tuinenga, W., degree, 803 Tuition fee, nonresident, increase, 539 agriculture short courses, 1220 Tull, J. P., degree, 1559 Tull, R. G., degree, 1559 Tulley, W. L., degree, 829 Tullio, V., degree, 782 Tullock, W. M., appointment, 259, 1095 Tully, G. E., degree, 784 Tulsky, M. H., certificate, 42 Tuma, Alice M., degree, 1550 Tuma, J., appointment, 308, 1141 Tumaroff, CT, degree, 590 Tumbarello, G. L,, degree, 590 Tumor Clinic, funds, gift, 556, 1216 Tumor research, gift, 1472, 1473 Tung, Chi F., degree, 579 Tung, Lu-Ho, appointment, 1529 degree, 1281 Tung, Pao-Chun, degree, 782 Tung, Shih-pai, degree, 782 Tung, Tie P., appointment, 45, 572, 959, 1230 Tung-Sol Electric Co., purchase, 1344 Tung-Sol Lamp Works, Inc., purchase, 343 Tunis, M., degree, 1240 Tupper, Caroline, appointment, 75, 908 Tupper, Mildred E., degree, 596 Turbine generator, Abbott Power Plant addition, contract, erection, 25 piping insulation, 25 Turcott, Betty, appointment, 1114 Tures, A., Jr., certificate, 489 Tures, R. and H. J., Cook County Experiment Station, sale, 566 Turicchi, Mrs. Rose, appointment, 332, 1174 Turigliatto, Lucille G.,,appointment, 291, 1127 Turke, B. A., degree, 419 Turkey disease, study, contract, 1464 Turkiewicz, Mrs. Dorothy, appointment, 320, Turley, Patricia J., degree, 1560 Turnblom, H. W., certificate, 1329 Turnbow, C. R., degree, 797 Turnbow, R. E., degree, 594 Turner, A. M., degree, 590 Turner, C. J., degree, 425 Turner, Mrs. Eva F., property, purchase, ^48 Turner, F. A., degree, 578 Turner, F, H., appointment, 63, 896 leave of absence, 879 Turner, G. C , appointment, 354, n 82 resignation, 1334 Turner, H. C , degree, 583 Turner, Harold Edward, degree, 791 Turner, Harold Eugene, degree, 594 Turner, Horace E., appointment, 358, 1187 Turner, Mrs. Helen D., appointment, n o , 119, 400, 943. 952 Turner, Helen J., appointment, 262 Turner, J. H., degree, 413 Turner, Justine, degree, 408 Turner, LaRae J., appointment, 1095 Turner, Laura B., degree, 1238 Turner, Lona L., appointment, 243 Turner, Peggy L., degree, 1556 Turner, M. E-, degree, 1399 Turner, Magdalene, appointment, n Turner, Margery, appointment, 161, 996 declination, 1234 Turner, Marilyn J., appointment, 259, 1093 Turner, Mary E., appointment, 276, 1112 gift, 1219 1159 Trognitz, R. H., degree, 589 Trojanek, Mrs. Emma, appointment, 329, 1169 Tropp, D. Z., certificate, 1338 Tropp, H. S., degree, 1399 Troscinski, E. S., degree, 591 Tross, C. H„ degree, 1544 Tross, Mrs. Dorothy T., appointment, 276 Tross, R. P., degree, 425 Trost, R. H., degree, 1563 Trotier, A. H., appointment, 167, 170, 182, 1003, 1006, 1017 Trotta, Concetta, appointment, 315, 1153 Trotta, Eleanor, appointment, 319 Trotter, L. J., appointment, 280 Troupis, D. T., degree, 1248 Trovillion, P. L., Jr., degree, 799 Trowbridge, Gladys, appointment, 1096 Troxel, R. N., degree, 413 Troxel, Wilma, appointment, 168, 231, 512, 1004, 1069 Troxell, L. R., Jr., degree, 423 Troyanowski, C. T., degree, 814 Troy Laundry Machinery Division, American Machine & Metals, Inc., purchase, 767 Truchly, V., appointment, 1478 Trucks, appropriation, Agricultural Engineering, 655 Animal Science, 339, 667 Dairy Science, 1340 Horticulture, 1301 purchase, Agricultural Engineering, 671 Agriculture, 376 Agronomy, 671 Animal Science, 341, 712 Dixon Springs Experiment Station, 768 Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics, 499 Horticulture, 1327 Physical Plant, 343, 468, 525, 669, 712, 766 Physics, 854 Trueblood, L. I., degree, 408 Trujillo, A. M., degree, 580 Truman, Mrs. Mary E., appointment, 260, 1096 Trumbower, W. C , appointment, 310, 1148 Trumbull, J. W., degree, 1399 Trump, J. L., appointment, 146, 983 book, printing, 377 leave of absence, 1488 Trustees, See Board of Trustees. Trust funds, summary, 56, 196, 889, 1031 Trychta, H. T., degree, 596 Tryner, Mrs. N. Louise, property, purchase, 348 Tryon, J. W., degree, 1553 Tsai, Ching-Hsian W., degree, 579 Tsai, T. H., appointment, 1122 Tse, Shou-Cheng, degree, 1539 Tsu, Laura N., appointment, 1424 Tsumagari, Mrs. Lily, appointment, 308 Tsuru, Haruo, degree, 579 Tsuzuki, Toshio, degree, 1240 Tu, Pin C , fellowship, 1483, 1529 Tu, Tu, degree, 450 Tuberculosis Research, Institution for, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 40 budget, 225, 315, 1062, 1153 biennial, approved, 442 Tubes, electronic digital computer, purchase, 343 Tubing, Physics, purchase, 707 Tucker, Barbara E., degree, 1250 Tucker, D., appointment, 280, 1381 degree, 1248 Tucker, D. W., degree, 795 Tucker, Mrs. Hilda, appointment, 317, 1157 Tucker, J. L., appointment, 174, 179 degree, 786 resignation, 573 Tucker, N, E., certificate, 842 Tucker, Mrs. Priscilla P., appointment, 1132
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