UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1674]

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Torbet, C. L., degree, 807 Torch, Mrs. Berniee L., appointment, 400 degree, 780 Torch, R., fellowship, 777 Torda, P., appointment, 122, 956 Torgersen, T. H., degree, 818 Torgerson, R. S., certificate, 430 Torhan, G., resignation, 405 Toriello, L. A., appointment, 308, 1145 Torkildsen, R. A., degree, 792 Tornello, Ajean, degree, 813 Torode, T. M., degree, 807 Torok, N., appointment, 512, 1188 Torrence, D. L., degree, 1239 Torricelli, W. V., degree, 1572 Torrington Co., purchase, 615 Tort, Mrs. Ferdina J., appointment, 242, 1081 Toshiko, A., appointment, 1169 Tosky, R. F., degree, 1286 Tossy, C. S., degree, 1560 Toth, E. F., appointment, 153, 988 Toton, C. E., degree, 823 Totsch, Donna M., appointment, 291, 1127 Toubes, Judith E., degree, 1550 Touchberry, R. W., appointment, 104, 938, I3SI „ Tourek, Barbara A , degree, 1250 Towell, Jean A. A„ degree, 1560 Towels, purchase, Chicago General Stores, 439 Physical Education, 526 Towel service, Physical Plant, 377 Towler, A. D., degree, 799 Towner, F. W., degree, 1570 Towner, J. H., appointment, 249 degree, 1243 resignation, 879 Townley, W. C , Jr., degree, 1392 Townsend, E. J., appointment, 80, 913 Townsend, F. G., appointment, 75, 908 Townsend, Mrs.Verna R., appointment, 699, Toxicology, appropriation, balance reappropnated, 40 budget, 209, 310, 1045, 1148 Toy, K. L., degree, 1249 Toy, Wing N., degree, 1389 Toye, Mrs. Lola L., appointment, 261, 1097 Tozer, C. L., degree, 424, 1236 Tozier, Barbara J., degree, 1566 Trace elements in soils and crops, study, contract, 713 Trachtenberg, C H., degree, 824, 1570, 1575 fellowship, 877 Tractors, purchase, Agriculture, 376, 524 Aviation, 342 Dairy Science, 377 Dixon Springs Experiment Station, 376 Physical Plant, 614 Tracy, D. C , certificate, 1329 Tracy, Mrs. Nancy R., appointment, 1113 Tracy, P. H., appointment, 105, 107, 939, 940 discovery, patent rights, release, 1258 leave of absence, 604 Tracy, W. F., degree, 1393 Traeger, Shirley, appointment, 328, 1170 Trailer, Agronomy, gift, 1214 purchase, 766 Trainer, E. Elizabeth, appointment, 154 Trammel, O. B., appointment, 268, 1105 Transformers, Physical Plant, appropriation, 492 purchase, 526, 851 Transformer vaults, Altgeld Hall, contract, 564 release of funds, 540 Busey and Evans Residence Halls, contract, 379 ' Harker Hall, contract, 564 release of funds, 540 Talbot Laboratory, contract, 564 release of funds, 540


Transient load voltage fluctuations, Study, cootract, change, 1417 Transmitter and tower, Radio Station, construction, appropriation, 492 contracts, 493, 560 location, 492 Transparent Package Co., contract, 1464 Trapp, D. J., degree, 79s Trapp, R. R., degree, 803 Trares, R. W. M., degree, 814 Trauba, Hedwig B., appointment, 327, 1169 Traugott, C. H., degree, 1396 Traut, E. F., appointment, 353, 1181 Travel Fund in Orthopaedic Surgery, addition, gift, 1219 Travel Fund in Pediatrics, addition, gift, 1219 Travenol Laboratories, Inc., contract, 149s Travers, A. W., degree, 1555 Travis, R. G., degree, 819 Treadway, Shirley M. K., degree, 1567 Treanor, R. C , degree, 824, 1575 Treasurer, annual report, 665 appointment, 504 authority to receive money, 601 bond, 518, 601, 868 increase, 379 election, 601 report, 1463 signature, delegation for withdrawals from Dentistry, Medicine, and Pharmacy Construction Fund Account, 666 Trebilcock, J. T., appointment, 166, 69s, 1002 Treciokas, L. J., degree, 811, 1539 Treder, Pauline J., degree, 596 Treen, Ruth M., degree, 1396 Tree plantation, McCullough Farm, development, 1463 Trees, Charlotte J., appointment, 1123 Trees, Mr. and Mrs. M. J., gift, 483. 529 cancelled, 1269 Trefz, C. C , degree, 1248 Trelease, A. W., degree, 786 Trelease, Mrs. Leah F., appointment, 75, 908 Trelease, S. B., insurance, purchase, 614 Tremaine, M. /., appointment, 364, 119a Tremper, W. E., certificate, 527 Trench coats, Military, purchase, 1343 Trenchfoot, study, contract, 610 Trenning, H. E., degree, 797 Trense, R. V., degree, 1249 Trepanier, P. J., degree, 1549, 1551 Trepte, F. H., degree, 587 Tresley, J., appointment, 1277 Tresnak, F. J., degree, 1565 Trewyn, Joyce G., degree, 421 Trezek, T. J., degree", 1395 Trezise, F. W., appointment, 245, 1084 Triantos, A., degree, 1568 Tribe, Mary L., degree, 1560 Triebel, W. H., degree, 1249 Trifilio, N. R., degree, 1393 Trigg, G. L., appointment, 875 Trigg, J., appointment, 1105 Trigger, K. J., appointment, 45, 129, 696, 963 Trimble, Dolly D. P., degree, 1560 Trimble, H. A., degree, 577 Trimble, H. D., appointment, 146, 983 leave of absence, 1353. 1503 Trimble, M. W., appointment, 272, 1108 Trimble, P. K., degree, 1552 Trimmer, R. W., appointment, 353, 1181 Trinko, L. E., degree, 1565 Trinko, Mrs. Rosemary, appointment, 1103 Tripi, J. R., degree, 594 Triplett, D. C , degree, 595 Tritelli, J., degree, 822 Trjitzinsky, W. J., appointment, 80, 913 leave or absence, 604 Trobaugh, Mrs. Virginia, appointment, 305 Troemel, D. L., degree, 1555 Trogdon, R. L., appointment, 1351