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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1770 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Tipsword, W. E., degree, 1368 Tiritilli, A. P., degree, 1394 Tiritilli, Mrs. Irma J., appointment, 260 Titanium Alloy Manufacturing Division, National Lead Co., gift, 1212, 1469 Titley, R. J., appointment, 176 resignation, 778 Titus, A. H., Jr., degree, 819 Titus, J. S., appointment, 478, 946 Titus, R. P., degree, 1537 Tjarksen, B. C , degree, 591 Tobias, Mrs. Agnes M., appointment, 272, 273, 1109 Thornton, Lila, appointment, n Thorp, F. C , degree, 799 Thorson, L. W., degree, 1396 fellowship, 777 Threet, J. C., degree, 590 fellowship, 513 Thriege, T. B., certificate, 1338 Thrift, C. B., appointment, 356, 1184 Throgmorton, W. L., certificate, 1329 Throop, H. L., Jr., degree, 593 Thurber, Joyce A., degree, 1559 Thurman, Anita E., degree, 454 Thurman, Mrs. Clara F., appointment, 356 Thurman, E. I., Jr., degree, 588 Thurn, Mrs. Betty, appointment, n 09 Thurn, E. A., degree, 1393 Thurston, K. L., appointment, 264, 303, 1100, 1139 Thurston, L. C , certificate, 1330 Tibbets, J. C , degree, 588 Tice, F., appointment, 353, 1181 Tichacek, L. J., fellowship, 1480 resignation, 1502 Tichy, F. C , Jr., degree, 1392 Tieamey, Mrs. Miriam E., appointment, 265, 266 Tieamey, T. C , degree, 389 Tiebout, H. M., appointment, 81, 697, 915, 1277 Tiedemann, A. T., degree, 792 Tiegs, Gladys, appointment, 9 Tienhoven, Ari V., appointment, 400 Tierney, T. M., appointment, rio2 Tierney, M. J., degree, 593, 1547 Tietz, E., degree, 1394 Tietze, A., appointment, 1500 Tiffany, R. G., degree, 803 Tiffin, J. J., appointment, 271 Tiffy, A. C., certificate, 42 Tigerman, H., appointment, 45 Tigerman, V. S., degree, 1284 Tighe, Mrs. Emily M., appointment, 333 Tighe, J. P., appointment, 249, 1088 degree, 413 leave of absence, 779 Till, Shirley," appointment, 1172 Tilley, J. L., degree, 1246 Tillman, A. C . appointment, 76, 909 degree, 409 Tillman, Mrs. Sarah E., appointment, 1160 Tilroe, Joann E., degree, 593 Timblin, W. S., appointment, 355, H83 Time Table, printing, 467, 1305, 1465 Timm, R. F., Jr., degree, 799 Timmerhaus, K. D., appointment, 1381 degree, 1385 Timmerman, J. E., degree, 1246 Timmis, Mrs. Beatrice S., appointment, 242, 1081 Timmons, B. F., appointment, 84, 699, 918, 1454 Timmons, Irma N., degree, 1397 Timmons, M -L., degree, 592 Timpton, R. H., degree, 825, 827 Tinder, R. K., degree, 801 Tinen, J. V., Jr., certificate, 842 Tinen, W. J., certificate, 1507 Tiner, J. D., degree, 1386 Tiner, Mrs. Lyla G., resignation, 405 Tiner, Marie R., degree, 1555 Tingley, Ava M. E., degree, 4t6 Tingley, D. F., appointment, 69s Tint, E. M„ degree, 588 Tinkham, R. A., appointment, 1529 Tinkoff, Ellen S., degree, 1398 Tjnlin, W. F., degree, 1394 Tinsley, C. H., appointment, 447, 512, 77s, 1012 resignation, 1234 Tipescu, G., certificate, 42 Tippo, O., appointment, 71, 512, 689, 904 Tipsord, D. D., degree, 1393 Tobias, Helen J., appointment, s^y, 1133 Tobias, J., appointment, 106, 940, 1424 degree, 1385 Tobin, Joyce, appointment, 323 Tobin, M., certificate, 489 Tobin, Marguerite, degree, 1560 Tobolski, C. J., degree, 818 Tochalauski, A. F., degree, 827 Tod, Ida F., appointment, 185, 1020 Todd, Elizabeth, appointment, 1448 Todd, Grace, appointment, 321 Todd, J. C , degree, 1573 Todd, Mrs. Mary L., appointment, 1173 Todd, W. R., degree, 422 Tokich, Florence, appointment, 329, 1171 Tolbert, Marian E., appointment, 351, 400, 943, 949 Toliver, C., appointment, 308, 1144 Tolliver, Maudeen, appointment, 320 Tolly, D. B., degree, 1551 Tolman, J. R., degree, 794 Tolomeo, Prudence P., appointment, 204, 1038 Tom, Priscilla J., degree, 596 Toman, K. K., appointment, 400, 962, 1529 degree, 1534 Tomasson, T. A., degree, 1555 Tomcik, Vera A., degree, 1561 Tomenendal, E. J., Jr., degree, 804 Tometich, W. H., degree, 419 Tomizawa, Mrs. Mary, 'appointment, 1095 Tomizuka, C. T., appointment, 87s degree, 79s Tomlin, Henrietta, degree, 1396 Tomlinson, A. E.„ appointment, 167 declination, 449 Tomlinson, Mrs. Mary E., appointment, 250 resignation, 573 Tomlinson, R. M., degree, 1243 Tomm, C. G., degree, 1549 Tomme, J. C , Jr., degree, 155S Tompkins, Margery, degree, 811 Tomsa, Margaret P., degree, 807 Tong, Hsueh C , degree, 1553 Tong, K. N., appointment, 134 degree, 783 Toni Co., gift, 553, " 1 5 Tonigan, R. F., degree, 581 Tonkin, W. M., appointment, 181, 400, 1017 degree, 78s resignation, 1353 Toohey, J. V., degree, 1246 Toohey, Mary B., appointment, 320 Toohey, Rita J., appointment, 307, 1144 Toohey, T. B., Jr., certificate, 1329 Tooker, E. W., degree, 1534 fellowship, 680 Tooley, C , appointment, 269, 1105 Tooley, F. V., appointment, 123, 956 Toombs, Marilyn J., degree, 813 Toomey, Anne, appointment, 313 Toomey, T. F., degree, 822 Topp, R. F., appointment, 145 declination, 405 Toppe, Marjorie E., appointment, 301 Topping, A. D., appointment, 134 degree, £76 resignation, 573 Toppmeyer, R. B., degree, 588 Torbeck, A. S., degree, 802
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